It is crazy the measures people go to for the perfect picture. Have you ever been somewhere where the view is beautiful and a picture of the view would be perfect for a new Instagram [ost. Many people will do anything to make the shot as perfect as it can be, even if that means risking their lives. If the best shot of the sunset over the canyon is on the edge of the cliff, many reckless and idiotic people are willing to take the risk.
When trying to impress your friends on social media, safety is rarely a requirement. Many partake in extreme challenges just to get a laugh from their friends or feel their approval. Sadly, people do this out of insecurity, out of the feeling of needing to impress others with someone showing they are “courageous” or “cool” when at the end of the day, their actions are simply foolish. Social media has set such a high standard on the content that will win someone their status and has completely disregarded the physical and mental well-being of others.
I remember many summers ago when I was little, I was at the “Fiestas de San Fermín” in Spain with my family. This event consists of bulls running a route through a set of streets and people can either run or be on the side behind blockades. As I was watching from a balcony overhead the streets and all the commotion, my mom and I spotted a girl trying to get a picture. As she is slightly moving her body out of the blockade to get the selfie she was dying to get, a bull runs by, hooks his arm onto her sleeve, and drags her full body out. When I reminded my mom of this occurrence she told me,
” It was crazy to see how fast someone’s life can change, I’ll never forget that girl’s face.”
I quickly turned away, because I didn’t want to see this traumatizing image. As I opened my eyes back up, the girl was getting carried away by paramedics, bleeding and suffering the consequences of her actions.
Unfortunately, there are many other stories like this one where people go to extremes to get a snapshot of adventurous activities or extreme locations. With one small misstep, there can be lifelong consequences or even death. When wanting to get the perfect picture just to impress your friends, first think of how much you value being alive, then decide.