What to do when you are Unmotivated


Pioneer Pages

Though many are excited to be back in school, it can be very easy to be unmotivated in classes after a while.

Kylie de Best, Editor-in-Chief

As my last year of high school has quickly approached, I have noticed that with anticipation and excitement for a new year also comes unmotivated. Our “last first day” was filled with joy as everyone was ecstatic to see their friends again after a long summer. However, as the day progressed, I heard people in my classes talk about “how they want to graduate already” or how they “don’t feel like going to school anymore.” These words stem from the declining motivation students get as they start to become a senior and get burnt out from all of the hard work they put into school the past three years, so here are some ways to stay motivated. 


One way to stay motivated is by having a positive mindset. Instead of always being so hard on yourself when you make a mistake, focus on how your efforts will help you progress to eventually finish your goal. While it may seem easy to complain about how hard a class is or how you think you failed a test, you can think about how rewarding it will be to have finally finished the assignment or think of ways to study to improve your grades. 


Another way is to set goals for yourself and keep track of them. For example, if you are planning on finishing a big project for a class, it may be daunting to think about how much work you need to put in to finish it, and over time, you may lose motivation to put your best effort into it. A solution for this is to write down different days you want to work on this project and what you will accomplish that day. It will help reinforce the importance of the project and hold you more accountable. Oftentimes, a reason people feel unmotivated to complete their goals is because they are set at an unrealistic standard (healthdirect). 

When I start to feel unmotivated, I try to organize myself by making a to-do list. I also try to give myself incentives for my work with a reward such as watching an episode of my favorite show.

— Juliana Neemeh (12)

Taking a break and resting is another great way to become more motivated. Oftentimes, people feel burnt out after a while of working on something and are too exhausted to put as much time and focus as they should on the assignment. Taking breaks from a task you are working on is not only a great way to gain more energy, but can help you think of even more ideas once you revisit an assignment or catch mistakes more easily. Even though this is a challenge for high school students, getting enough sleep is crucial to staying motivated, as you are more alert and willing to finish an assignment when you are well rested.


Many students find this a very relatable topic, but they have also come up with many creative solutions to conquer this. Juliana Neemeh (12) offers some great advice, sharing, “when I start to feel unmotivated, I try to organize myself by making a to-do list. I also try to give myself incentives for my work with a reward such as watching an episode of my favorite show.” As the year progress, using these three tips and many more can help you get motivated and finish the year off strong.