Clubs are a great way to get involved on campus. With club re-rush coming up soon, it will be the perfect opportunity to become part of new groups and learn more about anything ranging from new languages to different cultures or self care and mental wellness. Whatever your interests are, there is likely a club for you to join, and if not you can always start your own club! If you are thinking about joining a few new clubs this semester, here are a few key reasons why you should put in the time and effort and branch out!
First, clubs play a large role in supporting exploration of interests. It brings together a group of like minded individuals who are all interested in the same realm of topics and would like to learn more as a group. With this, you are able to discover more about your interests with a group of people who would like to do the same. In addition, despite the various different courses schools offer, oftentimes specific passions such as environmental issues or business interests aren’t offered. For this reason, students can create clubs that support their own passions and interests.
Next, leadership skills and social connections are great attributes of clubs. Leadership is a vital part of life and an important skill that everyone should develop and being a part of a club can support the development of this skill. Whether you are the president of a club or the treasurer, every role requires leadership and being able to put your skills to practice contributes greatly towards your development as a leader. There are also many social connections that can be made through a club. High school is often deemed as a highly stressful time; however, joining a club and being surrounded by a group of like minded peers can help ease your mind off the stressful situations that come with academic and athletic rigor.
Finally, clubs are a great way to stand out in a pool of similar college applicants. Clubs are a great way to showcase your interest in certain topics and demonstrate your involvement in the community. In addition, clubs show your ability to manage responsibilities and thrive in a community of like minded individuals outside of the academic classes.
To conclude, there are various benefits to joining a club. Eden Choi (11), the president of Morgan’s Message, a club supporting mental health for athletes shares, “I think clubs are a great way to be involved with the school and to learn more about the things that interest you! ” With club re-rush coming up soon, you should definitely consider becoming a part of a few new groups that spark your interest!