Having the new year just passed, new year’s resolutions can range from working out more to getting better grades or being a better friend. Whatever your goal may be, one resolution that you may have is to enhance your social media page, whether that be for a business page or personal page.
Social media plays a large role in our lives today. It has become a form of communication, entertainment, and some jobs even make note of your digital footprint. Abby Reddick (11) shares, “I think social media has become a big part of our lives and it is a good way to keep in contact with friends and family.” While there are many ways to boost your social media page, the next three tips are a helpful and easy way to gain followers, post viewers, and likes.
- Ask Questions: While it may seem unfamiliar, asking questions is a great way to enhance engagement. Questions will prompt followers to leave comments or respond to a poll, which is a great way to gain interaction. It is also a good way to communicate with followers, especially if the account has a large following and you are unable to communicate directly with followers. Questions can vary greatly depending on what your social media page is about. For example, the Instagram account for The Wrangler (@ylhswrangler on Instagram) often asks questions such as “What articles would you like to read about next?” There is unlimited creative freedom with these questions, so don’t be afraid to get your followers engaged!
- Post Valuable Content: Although this may seem like common sense, it is important to post things tailored to what your followers would enjoy. This may include posting humorous reels or jokes of the day. An example of valuable content can also include posting flyers of important dates or important information that one would likely make note of. Whatever you decide to post, just remember to think of your intended audience and if they would enjoy it or not.
- Leverage Trending Topics: Trends are quickly changing, therefore it is important to stay updated with the trends you are posting to. One tip that I recommend is to make note of some of the most prevalent trends on TikTok and Instagram each week, and throughout the week, make posts according to the trends. Posting trends will also engage the audience as it is something they are likely to find funny or can relate to. Another way to keep up with the trends is to include hashtags in posts because this can gain more viewers.
To conclude, there are various ways you can enhance your social media page. These three tips are extremely effective and easy to try out. In addition, remember that social media is also a form of art, so don’t be afraid to express your creative freedom while trying to gain audience engagement. Make sure to follow The Wrangler on TikTok and Instagram (@ylhswrangler on both platforms)!