As the Women’s Soccer Program gears up for the upcoming 2025 Season, it is much deserved for a spotlight on this talented team. Since the summer, the girls have been working hard for this much-anticipated winter season. Along with grind and sweat, the girls have been bonding off and on the field. Training started in July with a two-week summer camp, leading into sixth-period practices every day once school was in session. Now the girls train for two-hour sessions Monday-Saturday for the season. The girls have been training hard to perform their best during the upcoming season.
Leading the varsity team are Robert, Griffin, and Leia Fuller. Robert Fuller truly believes in the girls’ full potential and has been working with them to have the mindset “that we are going to train hard as opposed to just showing up and having a good time.” This mindset is a step to his plan of “developing a culture.” Robert Fuller states, “We are building a culture based on success expectations, and we expect we are going to win because we are trained.” Fuller truly cares about the girls’ success, not just on the pitch. He believes in creating a relationship with each one of his players. Furthermore, he hopes to receive emails from the girls thanking him for what he showed them outside of learning about the game of soccer in a couple of years.
Having a tight-knit group of girls is a key factor to success as well. The team has meshed perfectly to have the chemistry needed to win. This year’s philosophy is “If we have the ball, we will win.” The team’s goal in games is to tire the other team out by passing the ball quickly and precisely. Once on the field, the girls move the ball like a dance, almost as if they have been playing together for years. Of course, every year consists of a different team, but they are truly united this year. Zoey Holman (12), the Goalie and Varsity Captain, states, “Our team lifts each other and we always try to give each other 110%. Everyone has something to offer that will help in their success in league play.
As the time ticks for these girls to perform on the field, everything they learned starts to be executed. They are preparing for their winning season and hope to make it to CIF. There will be many exciting games to watch so come out and support your fellow Mustangs!