The Impact of Social Media on Young Girls

While social media can seem like a harmless tool, if it is not properly used it can take over your life and very negatively impact your perception.


While social media can seem like a harmless tool, if it is not properly used it can take over your life and very negatively impact your perception.

Imaan Moten, Photojournalist

In today’s digital age, social media has become a crucial part of young people’s lives. However, its influence on the mental health and self-esteem of young girls is raising concerns. The pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards and the constant pursuit of online validation are just a few of the challenges they face.

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok flood young girls’ feeds with carefully curated images, creating an idealized version of beauty. Comparing themselves to these filtered representations often leads to feelings of inadequacy and negatively impacts their self-esteem. Research shows that constant exposure to such images can contribute to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.

Social media has also turned popularity into a numbers game- with likes, followers, and comments becoming measures of self-worth. This can lead to anxiety and low self-esteem among girls who feel left out or unpopular. The pressure to present a flawless image and gain online approval takes a toll on their mental well-being.

Cyberbullying is another concern. The anonymity online platforms provide often emboldens individuals to engage in hurtful behavior. This can cause severe emotional distress, leading to increased stress, depression, and social isolation for its victims.

I have firsthand seen and experienced that negative impact of social media and agree that it is a growing concern that must be managed.

— Hannah Jebelli (11)

Moreover, social media contributes to the fear of missing out (FOMO), where girls feel compelled to participate in every social event or trending activity. Exposure to others’ seemingly perfect lives induces feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, impacting mental health and causing an unhealthy obsession with an online presence.

By recognizing the potential harm caused by social media, organizations, schools, and parents can work together to mitigate its negative effects. Educating young girls about media literacy, promoting critical thinking, and encouraging healthy online behaviors are crucial steps toward equipping them to navigate the digital world responsibly. Open conversations about body image, self-worth, and mental health also help counteract the negative impact of social media.

In conclusion, while social media has revolutionized communication, its influence on young girls cannot be overlooked. Yorba Linda HS student Hannah Jebelli (11) comments, “I have firsthand seen and experienced that negative impact of social media and agree that it is a growing concern that must be managed.” Addressing these challenges and fostering a balanced approach to social media usage is vital for maintaining good mental health and healthy relationships. By empowering young girls with the skills to navigate the digital world positively, we can create a more supportive and empowering environment for the next generation