Romanticizing Spring


Emma Perron

Spring time has began and Washington D.C. is looking amazing with the Cherry Blossoms.

Bella Smith, Photojournalist

Spring could sometimes feel awkward; holidays are far, and with school settled, it seems static. Spring cleaning and focusing on physical and mental health are unique and thoughtful things to try. There’s always a better you within yourself, and what better way to help become that than romanticizing Spring?


A clean room usually follows a fresh start. Many describe their rooms as mirroring their mental state. While cleaning your room won’t rewire you, having a clean space helps keep you grounded. I’ve always had a messy room, but recently keeping it clean has become a habit. I love my room, curling up in such a lovely atmosphere; it’s a relaxing space for whatever interest I have. It still gets messy sometimes, but when I’ve kept it clean and organized, everything’s perfect, and I’ve got control. I started to notice my old perfectionist tendencies coming back, and though it’s small, I think it gives me hope for the future. “Keeping a clean room keeps me more motivated” Christopher Smith (9). I’d focus on cleaning, decorating, and organizing during spring cleaning. With furniture wiped, open windows, and air freshener cleaning helps for a healthy space. Decorating is aesthetically pleasing; we’d be more motivated to clean our rooms if they looked worth cleaning. Organizing is also helpful; having a set place for everything saves time. It could become a habit with each step followed and a consistent keep-up every few days. Keeping a tidy room is one of the healthiest habits to practice, and you feel refreshed! It’s making space for positivity. 


Healthy eating is another big point for the Spring. It’s cliche, but staying hydrated while eating fruits and veggies is best for one’s health. Eating oranges in the sun, or maybe water infused with strawberries is a good and fun way to keep up your body’s energy. Your physical health is vital for your mental health; with both in shape, it makes it easier to become the best version of yourself.


A more planned trip with nature can help one feel relaxed and refreshed. As Spring settles nature’s bloom, the warm weather complements it beautifully. Consider exploring nearby scenic greenery. Take pictures, collect leaves, and different flowers, create a scrapbook page of your travels, and journal what happens and what you observe. Finding time for nature is pretty hard, but it’s perfect for mindfulness and to create a peaceful atmosphere. There’s so much more you could do while out— a picnic, sitting under a tree to read or even doodle, whatever takes your mind off anxieties while being a space for thoughtfulness.


Sometimes I wonder if romanticizing is wrong. It’s not healthy to romanticize all aspects of your life. But when used in moderation as motivation to keep mentally and physically healthy, it’s positive. As the season changes, we notice growth. We can grow as the flowers bloom. We are our gardens, observing nature, keeping hydrated, ensuring enough sun, and as long as we take care, we’ll grow some yummy fruits! With such pretty weather coming soon, I hope you’re inspired to connect better with nature. Taking care of you and your space should also be noted. Spring is a beautiful time, and I hope you can make the most of it.