How to Manage Your Screen Time



People love using technology and just cannot put it down.

Giana Mejia, Photojournalist

Since quarantine, more and more people have become attached to their screens. Adult screen times have increased between more than 60-80% (Frontiers). For children, their screen time rose by 52% (WebMD). After being locked inside for so long, society has become used to this life behind a screen. We heavily rely on technology now for entertainment, and we tend to  scroll on social media for hours. Since returning to the “norm” since the pandemic, people have carried on the habit of constantly using their devices.


With that being said, however,  there are certainly benefits to using technology. For example in the classroom- during COVID-19- teachers were forced to assign online work, and since the return, some teachers have found this method easier and chose not to return to the traditional paper-pen style. Technology has proved to be efficient and simple for all users. 


However, excessive use for adolescents can be linked to weight gain and binge eating (UC San Francisco). Being distracted by your screen ultimately results in a lack of physical activity. Cell phone usage also provides a distraction for many people. They’ve created a habit of ignoring what is in front of them by looking down at their phones. Many people also lose sleep just watching shows or scrolling through Tiktok. Overall, there are many unhealthy habits that have been created through our addiction to technology.


There are many ways to avoid using our devices so much:


1. Set a Screen Time on Your Phone

By setting a screen time, you limit your phone usage. You can set a downtime, which is a set time when you cannot use your phone. This forces you to put your phone down and do something else. Additionally, you can also set app limits. Once you reach a certain amount of hours on an app, it is no longer accessible to you for the day, which helps you manage how often you use apps in a day like Instagram, Snapchat, etc.


2. Read a Book

Reading a book always provides a good distraction away from your device. It allows you to sit down and relax and enjoy a good read. If you get in the groove, you can spend hours reading a book without even realizing it. 


3. Go Outside

If the weather is nice, you can go out and enjoy the nice air. There are so many things you can do. You can go on a run, go to the park, or hang out with friends. This allows you to get a nice breath of fresh air and keeps you away from your phone.


4. Play a Sport

Similar to going outside, playing a sport allows you to get some physical activity in. It also provides a distraction from wanting to use your phone or being bored. It forces you away from your phone if you are playing a sport, limiting your usage.


5. Create Art

You can draw or paint when you’re bored. It is a peaceful activity for many people and allows for creativity. There is no limit in art and you have the free range to create what you want. It provides a form of expression for people and could help relieve stress.

I think when most people think about limiting their screen time, they mostly think about boosting their productivity or helping their time management at home. However, for me, I think that lessening screen time would be most beneficial when it comes to socializing.

— Katherine Nguyen


There are so many ways to manage your screen time. By trying one of these options or even creating your own distraction from your phone, it will become easier to stay off. Lowering your screen use can also help you stay focused in school and when studying. You can also improve your mental health by trying these tactics. Katherine Nguyen (10), “I think when most people think about limiting their screen time, they mostly think about boosting their productivity or helping their time management at home. However, for me, I think that lessening screen time would be most beneficial when it comes to socializing. Yes, that means that some friends that are contacted digitally may take up less of your attention, but it also means that the relationships you have with people in person can become much more fulfilling and special.”