California Drought?

Storms rage in the Bay Area and are expected to travel down to Southern California.

Associated Press

Storms rage in the Bay Area and are expected to travel down to Southern California.

Gavin Gondalwala, Co-Editor-in-Chief

California is in a drought, California is in a drought! Plastered across every page of the media is the fact that California is in a drought.


Although this has been true for the past seasons, California, especially Northern California, is currently being flooded. Recently, San Francisco was hit with such vicious bouts of rain that “the bay is spilling into the City by the Bay.” With all of this rain, California is sure to have a terrific season.


Due to this rain, the import of water will likely go down, as the rain water only takes about two weeks to be processed, according to ABC. This means that the funds usually allocated to the importing of water are freed up to be used other places in the state government.


According to NBC, this storm is the worst storm to hit California, and the whole western seaboard, in five years. In just two hours, 2.5 inches of rain fell in a Santa Cruz. Also in Santa Cruz, numerous trees toppled onto cars and houses due to the weak, flooded soil.


With this rain continuing, it is forcing its way down the western coast into Southern California. It is expected that it will rain Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, at least. As Southern California is in a state of perpetual dryness, this rain will be extremely beneficial and will result in much more agriculture.


Plus, even the students love the rain. Mia Frankel (12) says “my favorite part of the rain is the smell. I could stand in the rain all day and never get tired. It makes me happy.” It’s seen even on social media, as soon as the rain starts, the posts keep appearing about the rain. It is even seen with people standing in the middle of the YLHS Quad dancing in the rain.


Although the rain is celebrated by many, there are critics that are already predicting the repetitive closures of Pacific Coast Highway, or PCH, due to severe land and mud slides. Other expected closures are major freeways, the Cajon Pass, and the Grape Vine. Caltrans has responded to this by declaring that these predicted closures should not happen due to the fact that protective blockades and “slope-nets” are already lining the major areas of highways and roads usually affected by the rain.


This rain sets Southern California on track to have one of the most successful years, waterwise, in history and it is not only beneficial economically, but mentally for people too, because who does not love rain?