Inside the Vape Cartridge


Courtesy of NBC News

As the number of vape users skyrockets, conducted research on what exactly the health effects are from the compact device are only recently beginning to surface.

Gabby McCutchan, Section Editor

Vaping has been a surfaced trend that has made its face well known in the news for the past couple of years, but as more and more research is done on the infamous e-cigarettes, more and more eyebrows are being raised at what the habit actually does to the health of an individual. 

The number of confirmed lung disease-ridden individuals due to flavored e-cigarettes reached 380 on September 12th, 2019 (CNN). The way these devices work as they’re consumed through the lungs are being more prominently labeled as “toxic;” and the reason experts are only just now discovering these new findings is due to the fact that e-cigarettes themselves have only been substantially marketed to people since the mid 2010s. Meaning that as the user percentage of vapes skyrockets through the years, scientists and health experts are barely concluding their findings on the health effects and publishing them for reference. 

As the vape crisis became increasingly more urgent on the radars of health experts during the summer, the Trump Administration decided to step in and completely crack down on vape distributors and makers; announcing their plan to eventually ban all flavored e-cigarettes, more specifically vaping liquids or juices (The Washington Post). Polly Bowman (12), gives her perspective on the proposal, saying that “I’m glad that the vaping epidemic has captured a curious eye at the national level, especially because vaping is such a normal thing now that no one really looks at it as a threat to your health anymore, which is exactly what it is.” 

The first confirmed death stemming from a lung disease related to the effects of vaping can be traced back to April of 2019, and since then an estimated 8 or 9 people have passed away due to their symptoms of these newfound lung diseases (USA Today). 

However, the vaping industry itself has responded to the surfaced backlash it has been receiving, most importantly pointing out that the side effects of vaping are not their responsibility, that they’d expect their customers to understand the risks when deciding to vape. According to the large and successful companies that distribute and market these vapes, the issue at hand is actually the black market-purchased vapes, that since the established companies are already regulated by the FDA and have not found the need to require these companies to alter their formations, they are not 100% at fault.

As fingers continue to be mercessily pointed at each other over the morality on vaping, the evidence that is gradually seeping into the media will only further pursue an immaculate agenda for further debate.