Gift It Yourself!

Cute DIY gifts for the holidays.


Juliette Fournier

Try making a DIY box and letter for your holiday gifts.

Juliette Fournier, Editor

With the holidays coming up, many people are in search of the perfect present for their loved ones. Instead of buying all your gifts, consider making DIY gifts for friends and family. Coco Xu (12) agrees that “not only are these more affordable for students, they also convey a more personal message.” The effort put into making these gifts are guaranteed to cherished by the receiver.

  1. Reasons Why Booklet: This cute booklet can be made in a variety of different ways. You can either use small pieces of cardstock, business cards, playing cards, paint samples, note cards, essentially anything that is not too fragile and that you can easily write on. The size of these should be relatively consistent (about 3’’ x 5”). Glue a square of paper (colored or just white) and write a reason why you care about the person you are making this for. Decorate the card how you want: for example, use a theme, add pictures of you and the person, add stickers. Make as many of these as you want. Don’t forget a cover page. Hole-punch each card. Attach them all together using a binder ring (from a local craft store such as Hobby Lobby) or string. These are great for close friends, family, or a girlfriend/boyfriend. They are sure to appreciate such a thoughtful gift.
  2. Homemade cookies: Another idea could be to bake small cookies for your friends. Pack them in a cute box, decorated how you want. Some types of cookies that could be made include chocolate chip, gingerbread, walnut (keep in mind allergies), or snicker-doodles. Similarly, try baking other goodies such as brownies or cupcakes.
  3. Mason jar cookie mix: This DIY is a fairly simple one and creates a delicious treat. First, find or buy a Mason Jar. Choose the recipe you want to use. Pinpoint the dry ingredients; usually, these will include flour, chocolate powder, chocolate chips, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Other ingredients may be included depending on the recipe you choose (perhaps almonds or walnuts). Keep in mind the jar should only include dry ingredients. Measure out the amount of each ingredient that the person will need. Next, pour each ingredient into a Mason Jar layer by layer. Close the Mason Jar, add a decorative ribbon, include a label of what the mix is, and don’t forget to include the recipe. It could be convenient to distinguish which ingredients are in the jar and which need to be added to the mix.
  4. DIY Phone Case: A DIY phone case can be a great way to make a completely unique gift for your friends or family. All you’ll need is a clear or single-color phone case, nail polish, glitter, studs, markers, and/or liquid glue. A good idea would be to have a clear idea of what you want to design before starting to decorate the phone case. For the heavier items that need to be glued, use a strong glue and let it completely dry. This project is not only useful, but it is also a great way to spice up a bland phone case.
  5. Try your hand at origami to make something like a present box, envelopes, Christmas trees, or stars. These cheap, simple gifts are sure to please your friends and family.