Holly Jolly Arts Extravaganza


Corinne Green

YLHS presents the Holly Jolly Arts Extravaganza, a week dedicated to arts appreciation.

Mabel Ra, Editor

Each year, the Yorba Linda High School Fine Arts Commissioners work to put together Fine Arts Week, a week-long school event dedicated to acknowledging and appreciating the various arts programs that exist at YLHS. This year, the arts commissioners, Allie Mortensen (11) and Corinne Green (11) coordinated the week as the Holly Jolly Arts Extravaganza.


The performances went as followed:

Monday: Theatre and Choir Performances

Tuesday: Visual arts showcase

Wednesday: Band performance

Friday: Dance Company performance and Culinary showcase

Alyssa Pepito (12), a student in the screen printing class, participated on Tuesday’s showcase, demonstrating her skills in commercial art. About the class, she comments how “much [she has] enjoyed learning and experiencing the craft of screen printing.”

Mabel Ra
Alyssa Pepito (12)


Some of the teachers and classes involved with the arts program include:

Mr. Mortensen: Orchestra

Ms. Fritz: Drawing & Painting, Commercial Art, AP Studio Art, Art Fundamentals

Mr. Cadra: Advanced Video Productions, AP Photography

Mr. Schumerth: Photography, 3-D Art and Design

Mr. Garcia: Band

Ms. Maes: Dance

Mr. Hendry: Ceramics

Mr. McCann: Choir

Ms. Messick: Culinary Arts

Ms. Petz: Theatre


If you are interested in joining any of these artistic programs, feel free to reach out to the staff members and become a part of a program that makes Yorba Linda High School so vibrant with colors, music, school spirit, and more!