How Climate Change Will affect your Daily Coffee


The beauty that coffee possess’ can soon be over runned by the rapid change of climate and the evolution of our more industrialized society.

Brandon Russell, Editor

With the thought of climate change rapidly increasing throughout the minds of every American, that of the motivation for better coffee just might incentivize Americans’ even more. A recent study, published in Nature Plants found that Ethiopia, the world largest coffee bean producer, could “lose up to sixty percent of its suitable farmland due to rapid climate change,” according to CNN. The thought of crummier and less than great coffee is an ordeal that soon can be rapidly incorporated into everyday society if the rapid climate change does not come to a halt. Predicted to lose most of its farmland in this century, perhaps the average cup of joe will become less average than ever before.


What has brought this situation about is the rapid increase of temperature over the past two decades. According to CNN, “colder weather allows the coffee to ripen more slowly,” which means that the quality of the coffee increases as well. This increase in temperature has been rapidly occurring in Ethiopia for decades. From temperature rising a mere couple degree each year, the quality of the largest coffee distributing countries is on the decline.


With studies coming from the World CoffeResearchch Center, scientists and analysts suggest that a “shift in quality is the main difference” consumers will see in countries all over the world. Moreover, this dramatic decline of farmland in Ethiopia is starting to become like a domino effect. Hanna Neuschwander, a spokeswoman for the World Coffee research center, states that this climactic change in temperature is “an ordeal that will cause other major coffee exporting countries like Vietnam to drop their prices.”


Morgan Langseth (11) is an avid coffee drinker and believes that this “decline in coffee quality will have a dramatic effect on our society and how we view climate change.” Also, that we as a society should focus on “maintaining our climate instead of degrading it.” However, this solution is not as simple as it seems, with temperatures continuing to increase throughout Ethiopia and the rest of the world, It will take dramatic steps to stop this epidemic.


What does this mean for coffee drinkers? Well, it will mean a less than average cup of coffee and a more expensive one. Not only will Ethiopia’s economy decrease due to less than average coffee sales, but the availability of sustainable places to farm coffee throughout the world will become challenging.


So what will it be. Our climate, or our love for coffee.

The beauty that coffee possess’ can soon be over runned by the rapid change of climate and the evolution of our more industrialized society.