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The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

Men’s Sports at YLHS

Emma Perron
The Varsity Men’s Volleyball team playing during preseason and they won the game.

At Yorba Linda High School, we have many talented athletes ranging from men to women; however, let’s take a look at the men’s sports this year so far. In the fall season, there is football, water polo, and cross country. In the winter season, there is soccer, basketball, and wrestling. In our last season, spring, there is baseball, lacrosse, golf, tennis, track and field, swimming, and volleyball. 


Starting with the fall season, football did exceptionally well. It had a record of 9-4 and made it to the semi-finals in CIF. Onto the next sport, water polo, our men always fought hard in every game and showed what it meant to be an actual Mustang. The last fall sport was cross country and in this group of men, they prove how dedicated they are to their sport and always place well in their races every year. Bryson French (11) states, “This football program has given me many friends and I have loved my time here.” 


In the following season, winter, three sports made Yorba Linda High School proud. Without a doubt, men’s soccer tied for first place in the league, had an overall record of 13-7-2, and lost in the quarter-finals for CIF. The second winter sport to go to CIF was men’s basketball, with a record of 16-12. They played against the first seed in CIF and sadly lost. However, they fought until the very end, giving it everything they could. Again and again, men’s wrestling makes its way to CIF after doing well in league finals. Also, wrestling had three wrestlers who placed at Master Qualifiers: Jon Silvestri (12), Santiago Salas (11), and Robert Oropeza (11).  


Moving onto spring sports, this has the most men’s sports with seven. All of their seasons are just beginning, and all teams are showcasing promising seasons to show Yorba Linda High School men’s sports are some of the best. With many returning players, baseball is doing well and working together as a unit to accomplish a winning season. Also, lacrosse has many returning players mixing with some new ones who can help take the team to another level. This will be an exciting season for them. Back inside the gym is men’s volleyball, who are just beginning their season, and they have many talented players ready to crush every game as soon as they step on the court. Whether they play singles or doubles, our men’s tennis brings the heat daily to practice and matches to show their love for the sport and YLHS. 


With just three spring sports left, they showcase how important it is to cheer on your teammates and support one another. First is men’s golf, which is individual and team scores, and these men show how much work and time it takes to perfect their swings and putts. With such a fun team environment while still competing in the sport, they love swimming, and at YLHS, our men excel in every race. Another sport that can be an individual or team score is track and field; there are sprints/hurdles, long distances, throws, and jumps. Our track and field program constantly works for their races and makes a run at CIF every year. 


Congratulations to our men’s teams for putting in the work to show that Yorba Linda High School men’s athletics are unique and great teams to be on. Also, good luck to our spring sports team, which is still competing.

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About the Contributor
Emma Perron
Emma Perron, Editor-In-Chief
Emma Perron is a senior at Yorba Linda High School. This will be Emma’s fourth year writing for The Wrangler, and she is one of three Editor-In-Chiefs. She is either at school or the soccer field; she is always busy. Emma is the Editor-In-Chief for the yearbook, The Roundup, and on the Yorba Linda High School Women’s Soccer Varsity team. She loves photography, writing, socializing, playing soccer, watching various sports, and listening to/collecting vinyl. In the future, Emma hopes to attend college in Utah and study Communications with a minor in photography. She is excited for her senior year and what the future holds.  

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