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Mother’s Day: History & Gift Ideas

Blooming with love and appreciation, flowers are one of the most popular gifts on Mother’s Day.

As the calendar is flipped to May, flowers blossom and the landscape is blanketed with an extravaganza of vibrant colors. The beginning of May also signals the national holiday of celebrating and appreciating motherhood: Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day occurs annually on the second Sunday of May, which means in 2024 it will take place on Sunday, May 12th. The holiday is celebrated across the world and is a special day to honor mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and other motherly figures that play a vital role in our lives.




Mother’s Day, in its modern form, originated in the United States although it is now celebrated internationally (Britannica). Its origin can be traced back to the American Civil War, according to History. Shortly before the war, Ann Reeves Jarvis started “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs” to teach women in the area how to care for children. In 1868, Jarvis organized “Mothers’ Friendship Day” which was a day when mothers convened to urge reconciliation between the Union and the Confederacy (History). 


Later in the 1900s, Ann Reeves Jarvis’ daughter, Anna Jarvis, helped establish the official Mother’s Day holiday. Following her mother’s death in 1905, Anna Jarvis dedicated the day to honor the sacrifices mothers made for their children. She arranged the first Mother’s Day celebration at a West Virginian Methodist church (History). 


Consequently, the event was very successful and helped drive forward the holiday until it was officially added to national calendars by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914.


According to Britannica, Jarvis mainly promoted attending church services, visiting one’s mother, and wearing red or pink carnations to honor living mothers while white carnations were worn to honor those who have passed away. With time, the holiday began to recognize more than just mothers, but also grandmothers, aunts, and anyone else who took on mothering roles. However, just as quickly, florists, card companies, and merchants capitalized on the holiday’s popularity; Mother’s Day became heavily commercialized, and Jarvis protested against this. As a result, she spent her last days advocating for the removal of the holiday from American calendars, until she passed in 1949.




Mother’s Day is a perfect time to show your mom how much you love and appreciate them. Check out these fun gift ideas!

1. Coffee Mug

For the hard-working moms who start the day early, a coffee mug can make for a thoughtful gift. You could have it personalized with a personal message, a quote, or a picture of you and your mom together to make it even more special. Every time she enjoys her morning coffee or tea, she’ll be reminded of your love and appreciation.

2. Jewelry

Jewelry is another great gift choice for Mother’s Day. It can be a necklace, bracelet, earrings, or a ring, depending on your mom’s style. Consider selecting something meaningful as well, such as birthstone jewelry or a symbolic piece.

3. Breakfast in Bed

Giving your mom breakfast in bed is a wonderful way to treat her on Mother’s Day. Prepare her favorite breakfast food, such as pancakes or waffles with fruit, along with a cup of coffee or tea. Add some flowers on the tray for an extra special touch!

4. Handmade Card

A handmade card is a classic gift as well, and it adds a personal touch to your gift. Write a message expressing your love and gratitude for everything your mom does, and then design the card with pictures, markers, or stickers!

5. Flowers

Lastly, nothing can beat flowers as a gift on Mother’s Day. Flowers are timeless and never fail to brighten a mom’s day. Choose her favorite flowers or assemble a colorful bouquet, and attach a small letter to it. Consider getting a potted plant as well, so she can enjoy it even after Mother’s Day has passed.



Gabriella Wong (9) especially enjoys celebrating the day with her mom and family. She shares that “Mother’s Day has always been a day full of heartfelt memories…My mother is someone I appreciate greatly. I can always count on her as someone to confide in or seek life advice [from].” On the day of the holiday, she states, “My family usually spends the day together by enjoying a nice lunch and visiting one of our favorite spots, the beach. Aside from flowers, my sister and I like to give our mom something sentimental…[like] handmade cards or framed portraits that represent our most cherished memories.”

Mother’s Day has always been a day full of heartfelt memories…My mother is someone I appreciate greatly. I can always count on her as someone to confide in or seek life advice [from].

— Gabriella Wong (9)


Without a doubt, Mother’s Day is a very special day to celebrate all the motherly figures in our lives and to show them how we truly appreciate them. Of course, this holiday does not only apply to biological mothers, but also to grandmothers, aunts, mothers-in-law, and any other women that have shaped your life. Whether it’s a simple gesture of writing a card or an extravagant present, what is most important on this day is showing them your love and gratitude. The Wrangler wishes a Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there!

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Derek Truong
Derek Truong, Photojournalist
Derek Truong is a freshman at Yorba Linda High School. He is excited to begin his high school journey and is incredibly excited to be part of The Wrangler for the first time. Derek enjoys soccer, graphic design, and photography. This year, he wants to join the YLHS Men’s Soccer Program. Derek also likes to challenge himself academically. Currently, he is enrolled in several Honors classes and one Advanced Placement (AP) course along with Newspaper. In the next few years, he will join Yearbook, AP United States History, AP Psychology, and AP Spanish. Outside of school, Derek loves hanging out with friends, spending time with family, traveling, and listening to music. As a freshman, Derek is excited to see what the next four years will bring!

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