Parent Appreciation

Hannah Kim, Photojournalist

Our parents are our first superheroes. So, we should all take a moment to really appreciate the superheroes in our lives and think about them for once, rather than have them think about us. Have you ever thought about the sacrifices parents make for their children? Have you ever thought about how they would do anything, and I mean anything, for their children? Have you ever thought about how they would give everything they owned in order to make you happy? Because yes, that is the life of a parent. Parents are often taken for granted and pushed aside. Kyla Qumsieh (11) comments, “I know my parents know I love them, but I don’t think i express it enough.” But, this commercial made by a life insurance company called, MetLife Hong Kong, exemplifies the unconditional love a parent has for their child.


The commercial starts off with a father reading a letter his little girl wrote about how her dad is the sweetest, most handsome, and smartest dad to ever live on this world. But, the letter takes an unexpected turn when the little girl calls her dad a liar. She goes on to talk about many things her father “lies” about, including things like how he lies about having a job, he lies about having money, he lies saying he’s not tired, he lies that he’s not hungry, he lies about his happiness, and she ends the letter by saying “he lies because of me”. The father is shocked and in tears when he realizes his daughter knows about his sacrifices.


The commercial was a campaign intended to encourage parents to save for their children’s education because in Asia, it is more expensive to send a toddler to school than to send a teenager to college in the US. Believing that it’s insane, Lillian Nasr (11), states “No wonder parents have to make sacrifices for their children’s education!” The commercial exemplifies the lengths parents go for their children. A commercial in honor of the parents who stop at nothing for their children. A commercial in honor of the parents who knows no pain when it comes to their children. A commercial in honor of the parents who will do just about anything to see their children smile. It shows us just how much we owe our parents.


Mustangs, this is a reminder to us children, to always remember to appreciate our parents and to never take them for granted. To always remember to express our love and show our gratitude for the sacrifices they make. To always remember that our parents will always be our number one fan, and our biggest supporters. So, here’s to you, Mom and Dad.