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The Wrangler

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The Wrangler

    Best Skin Care for Eczema Prone Skin!

    It is a difficult process finding what works, but it is worth it in the long run.

    As someone who has struggled their whole life with sensitive and eczema prone skin, it has been hard to find products that are safe to use. I have also recently found out that many people also struggle with it, and it is very common. It is so common that the (NIAID) says, about 30% of Americans have it. Most daily used substances and foods can trigger eczema. Some things that can trigger it are fragrances, laundry detergent, cleansers/soaps, environment, stress, and even certain fabrics such as wool and carpets. It is different for everyone, meaning not everyone will be triggered by the same things.

    In my case, mainly soaps with fragrances trigger my eczema. Due to this I have had to find certain soaps from face wash to Body wash that would not trigger my skin. One thing that has not triggered my skin so far is the “SkinFix Eczema Body Wash”. It doesn’t trigger my skin as well as calms it when it is irritated. It has been very helpful. Another body wash is the “Drunk Elephant” Kamili Cream Body Cleanser. It has very little fragrance and is a very soft cleanser. I have only tried it once so far, and it did not trigger my skin. 

    My face is not as sensitive as my skin which is odd, but also a good thing. Other than fragranced moisturizer, any face wash normally doesn’t irritate my skin. One that is very gentle though is the “Vino Clean Gentle Foam Cleanser” by Caudalie. It is very soft and leaves you feeling very clean. Another one is the “Youth to the People” superfood cleanser. This one isn’t as gentle but is good on sensitive skin.

    Last but not least is moisturizer. A senior at YLHS, Sarah Bennani (12) says,

    “Although I don’t have eczema this article has been very educational.”

    — Sarah Bennani (12)

    For facial use I have found that the “byoma” skincare line in general is good to use if you have sensitive skin. My favorite product is moisturizing rich cream. It is very generic and can be used on almost all skin types. It is also decently inexpensive for a moisturizer. As for overall use, a good moisturizer is “Aveeno Daily Moisturizer,” it is fragrance free and contains prebiotics. It is very important to remember that everyone is different and what works for me can be very different for you. These are just some things that have helped me and might work for you as well!

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    About the Contributor
    Ayesha Ghandhi
    Ayesha Ghandhi, Photojournalist
    Ayesha Ghandhi is a senior at Yorba Linda High School. She is a member of the varsity Lacrosse team. In her free time, she enjoys riding her horse, playing with her dogs, listening to music, cooking, shopping, watching TV, and spending time with her friends and family. Her interests include animals, fashion, and cars. In the future Ayesha hopes to pursue a career in law and hopes to be an animal rights activist. She is very excited to be a part of the YLHS' The Wrangler and to experience being a photojournalist.

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