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The Wrangler

    What Your Favorite Movie Genre Says About You

    Warner Bros.
    Warner Bros’., a popular film production, opening title page.

    Whether you enjoy escaping while watching movies or prefer to relate to characters, the type of movie people choose does reflect people’s different wants and needs. I would also argue that your preferred genre depends on your age and the time in your life that you are in. Movies provide entertainment, comfort, and so much more; I personally love movies that help me escape reality. For example, “La La Land,” my favorite film of all time, shows my appreciation for realism in relationships and also the magic of dreams. Still, most of all, I adore this movie for its beautiful cinematography.


    First off, if you prefer action movies, I can almost guarantee that you are adventurous and seek a thrill. However, diving a little deeper, I may try to suggest that action movie lovers see such movies as an escape from reality. Being able to watch Tony Stark fight as Iron Man against Whiplash, one of his many enemies, gives viewers the feeling of success in battle, which may translate to less threatening battles that they are facing in their own lives.


    Secondly, if you find yourself watching romance movies often, it could mean that you have a soft spot for love and affection. I too appreciate a quality love story, it is so entertaining to watch love and see how it plays out. I think that many romance movie lovers also enjoy relating to the happiness and pain that happens throughout the story.
    Lastly, since I will just be discussing general ideas of genres, if you prefer comedy movies, you likely have a lighthearted outlook on life. Most likely, you have a good sense of humor and value having a good time. You probably also don’t like taking things too seriously while trying to relax.


    No matter what type of movie you prefer to watch, we all have our favorites that should be respected. Filmmaker and movie lover Hunaina Hirji (12) says, “I love murder mystery movies, specifically ‘Knives Out!!’ You think you know what is about to happen, and then there is a huge plot twist; it’s so interesting!” This probably means she enjoys an engaging movie that requires some brain stimulation while relaxing. Whether you like comedies, romance movies, or action movies, I think we can all agree that movies are a great way to escape and have fun!

    I love murder mystery movies, specifically ‘Knives Out!!’ You think you know what is about to happen and then there is a huge plot twist, it’s so interesting!

    — Hunaina Hirji (12)

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    About the Contributor
    Tatum Steward
    Tatum Steward, Photojournalist
    Tatum Steward is a Yorba Linda High School senior in her second year in The Wrangler. She is thrilled to be a part of the Newspaper and be involved in ASB, where she serves as the Executive President. When Tatum is not spending time on the YLHS campus, you can find her crafting music playlists or hanging out with friends. After high school, Tatum hopes to study Business Administration and Management and Food Sciences. Tatum cannot wait to continue writing for The Wrangler!

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