Club Spotlight: Green Life Club

Join Green Life now to be an advocate for the Earth!

Courtesy of Greenlife

Join Green Life now to be an advocate for the Earth!

Riley Pietsch, Photojournalist

As the years go by, it seems as though the pressing problem surrounding our Earth’s health has only worsened. With President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement on June 1, back in 2017, there has definitely been a major shift in the environmentalist community. 

Citizens across the world have been speaking up in demands of action, hoping to reverse the effects of climate change and global warming. Greta Thunberg has really become the center of activism concerning similar subjects, and at just seventeen she has made major strides towards reaching sustainability. 

Here at Yorba Linda High School, students have similarly not been quiet about the strains our home has undergone. Specifically, Ciara Curran (11), has voiced her concerns about these evident problems through developing a new club on campus: Green Light Club. 

The club focuses on developing ways in which our school can also be a part of the environmental movement taking place around the world. By simply implementing a recycling system on the YLHS campus, an array of doors open in the world of becoming an environmentally friendly school. 

Through recycling, which has not been a part of YLHS culture in prior years, Green Life members plan to use the money they earn to add even more programs to support sustainability on campus. By collecting the proceeds of recycling, Green Life will dedicate their earnings to install more water filters, low flush toilets, solar panels, and many other environmentally-cautious products. 

Not only are they focused on making the school more sustainable, but Green Life is also determined to inspire students to think environmentally. By hosting an Earth week on campus, Curran, along with other members, plan to motivate students, and hopefully, gain supporters in the movement towards making our Earth a healthier and safer environment to live in. Earth week would also act as another opportunity to earn money that would go towards improving YLHS’s sustainability. 

So, if you are an attendee at YLHS, join Green Life so that, you too, can be a part of this movement. Even while small changes may seem insignificant, by uniting and working together towards a goal, future generations will be thankful that people took charge and demanded change. Get involved and be a part of the change this world so desperately needs, and as Ciara put it “We have been given a beautiful planet to live our lives on. Why not do our part in keeping it beautiful?”