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Top Five Classic Movies to Watch Before Graduation

British GQ
As we begin the next step of our lives, here are some iconic films to watch that are about high school or college.

Seniors, it is almost time to put on our caps and gowns and say goodbye to our teachers and friends one last time.

We have shared memories and struggles, from our first days of school as freshmen only having expectations of high school from our siblings and what it looked like on TV, and some of us since elementary school.

As we begin the next step of our lives, whether it be going to college, getting a job, taking a gap year, or whatever our path may be, here are some iconic (mostly coming-of-age) films to watch that are about high school or college.

Disclaimer: There are obviously so many more than the five included in this article, but these stand out due to historical or cultural significance and likelihood to appeal to a wider audience.

(Films are listed in chronological order with various justifications)


This movie has a legendary soundtrack featuring quintessential 1980’s song “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds. (IMDB)

1. The Breakfast Club (1985)

Plot Premise: A group of high schoolers from varying social cliques find themselves forced to spend time together in Saturday morning detention and end up discovering that they have more in common than they think.

Why You Should Watch It: Although it may sound cliche to some, the idea that students learn that people from all types of backgrounds can find community in each other and are more multifaceted than they seem is one integral part of school and growing up. This topic is explored in a clever and entertaining way in this movie.

Bonus Points: This movie has a legendary soundtrack featuring quintessential 1980’s song “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds.


There are many gaps and quips in this film, most notably involving a celebrity cameo by Kurt Vonnegut and the Dean of the College being named Dean Martin. (Picasa/Mirror80)

2. Back To School (1986)

Plot Premise: A college student is encouraged to stay in school by his dad, who enrolls alongside him leading to hilarious and moving hijinks. 

Why You Should Watch It: This is one for the students with senioritis or those who may be dreading going to college—viewers may identify with feeling a lack of enthusiasm or motivation and will enjoy a clever take on what it means to not take yourself too seriously while remaining resilient.

Bonus Points: There are many gaps and quips in this film, most notably involving a celebrity cameo by Kurt Vonnegut and the Dean of the College being named Dean Martin.


A social queen takes a girl under her wing and attempts to make her less “clueless,” while embarking on a journey of self-discovery. (IMDB)

I really like all of those movies, but my favorite is Clueless. I think the movie is aesthetically pleasing and it’s definitely popular.

— Yuna Shin (12)

3. Clueless (1995)

Plot Premise: A social queen takes a girl under her wing and attempts to make her less “clueless,” while embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

Why You Should Watch It: This is a perfect Rom-Com to watch with your friends while getting ready for graduation. It’s a feel-good movie that has a decadent display of fashion, a meaningful friendship, and most importantly—the girl gets the guy.

Bonus Points: Just like this movie’s similarly bubblegum pink sister film Mean Girls, the slang from Clueless is still well-known and used in daily life, ironically or not. Graduating high school without watching this movie? As if!


Two best friends unexpectedly get the news that their former high school is holding a 10-year reunion, and realizing that they haven’t lived “impressive” lives since, try to fabricate a cover story to impress their classmates. (NYLON)

4. Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (1997)

Plot Premise: Two best friends unexpectedly get the news that their former high school is holding a 10-year reunion, and realizing that they haven’t lived “impressive” lives since, try to fabricate a cover story to impress their classmates.

Why You Should Watch It: Romy and Michele encounter feeling pressure to achieve and simply comparing themselves to others, which leads to them being caught in a fib and having a falling out, which is something high schoolers may identify with. However, a killer soundtrack combined with a wacky culminating dance scene and happy endings for all reminds viewers to think about what is important: friendship, staying true to yourself, and fashion!

Bonus Points: Just like the latter film, the main characters are obsessed with being stylish. They design their own clothes which make frequent appearances in the film. However, the creative use of flashbacks and dream sequences make for a perfect comedy!


Saoirse Ronan, Greta Gerwig, and Timothee Chalamet. That’s all you need to know! (VOGUE)

5. Lady Bird (2017)

Plot Premise: A Catholic high schooler navigates her senior year which is riddled with having a complicated relationship with her mother, a falling out with her best friend, and attempting to attend her dream college in New York.

Why You Should Watch It: It goes without saying that as an A24 indie film, this is obviously an artistic masterpiece. However, the landscape and setting in Sacramento adds a nostalgic tone that students can somewhat relate to.

Bonus Points: Saoirse Ronan, Greta Gerwig, and Timothee Chalamet. That’s all you need to know!


Number 3 seems to be the most popular movie at least out of these five, Yuna Shin (12) who will graduate with the rest of the Class of 2024 says: “I really like all of those movies, but my favorite is Clueless. I think the movie is aesthetically pleasing and it’s definitely popular.”

Let us know which movies you will watch before graduation!

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About the Contributor
Anjeli Webb
Anjeli Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Anjeli Webb is a senior at Yorba Linda High School. While she is constantly pouring her heart and soul into writing, she also frequently enjoys well-written novels or groundbreaking news pieces. Anjeli values unbiased truth and freedom of speech and never fails to express it. This is her third year of writing for The Wrangler, and she is now an Editor-in-Chief. She is on the debate team, is the President of YLHS’ Turning Point USA chapter, is on the Superintendent’s High School Advisory Council, is a member of CSF and NHS, and is a player on the inaugural Varsity Flag Football team. Off-campus, she is a Junior Ambassador for the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce. Anjeli plans to continue journalism and change the world through language.

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