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The Wrangler

The #1 student news site of Yorba Linda High School

The Wrangler

Big Apple Bites: New York’s Eateries Off The Beaten Path

New York City, a city filled to the brim with a myriad of cuisines, invites visitors to embark on a culinary journey.

Bustling and full with culture, the city that never sleeps is the perfect destination to embark on a unique culinary adventure. Serving as a melting pot for various cuisines, New York visitors will experience a one-of-a-kind cultural journey. From small bistros to Michelin-starred restaurants, travelers are bound to pinpoint the perfect eatery to satisfy their cravings. 


Most food connoisseurs are familiar with a Japanese meal called omakase. The phrase translates to, “I leave it up to you,” and is used to describe the style of eating where the customer is face-to-face with the chef, who selects and serves seasonal specialties.  At Shinn East in New York, guests are offered the choice to order omakase, or simply order their choices on an un-set menu. Through the omakase experience, diners watch the chef prepare their food and serve it to them at that moment. “The omakase experience is one of a kind,” Micah Wu (12) exclaims, “It’s a must-try experience.” All sushi, sashimi, and seafood enthusiasts are strongly encouraged to reserve a seat at Shinn East.


The omakase experience is one of a kind!

— Micah Wu (12)

Located in the heart of Soho, a New York neighborhood known as the center of shopping, Mangia is the perfect stop to taste a tinge of Italian, farm-to-table dishes. Gloating in a salad bar, coffee shop, juice bar, and even Keto and vegan options, worn out Soho shoppers bask in Mangia’s welcoming ambience and modern decor. As a popular photo-shoot spot, the lively eatery is always buzzing with vacationers as they snack on Instagram-worthy desserts and drinks. 


While Georgian cuisine is not a commonly tried cuisine in the United States, Chama Mama vouches to turn that around; as a testament to true Georgian flavors, the restaurant embraces the rich palate of spices, nuts, cheese, bread, herbs, and meat. A popular customer favorite is a Georgian dumpling known as “khinkali.” Warm, rich, and gooey, the khinkali is an envelope of fillings such as meat, potato, or cheese wrapped in a thick doughy layer. The flavors of the small European country stand out as a mosaic of unconventional tastes and zests. 


If one is looking for a splurge to indulge in fine dining, Oiji Mi is a must-try. Through a set, 5 course meal, diners are escorted through a gastronomic odyssey; a fusion of Korean cuisine and contemporary twists. Boasting a menu incorporating seasonal ingredients, the selection of dishes to try always provide modern variations, ensuring an experience like no other. Renowned for its elegant atmosphere and its dishes of intricate flavor, the restaurant deemed itself a Michelin-star restaurant. Due to its high demand, reservations should typically be made a couple weeks in advance to the preferred date. 

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About the Contributor
Noelle Wu
Noelle Wu, Editor
Noelle Wu has loved using journalism as a creative outlet for a while now. With the experience of her middle school and freshman years spent in Newspaper under her belt, she now approaches her sophomore year as an editor. As a competitive debater, Noelle prioritizes addressing contentious issues but is also very passionate about pop culture! In her spare time, Noelle enjoys curling up with a good book or spreading an unsolved murder case file on her dining room table.

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