How Earth Day has Changed our Environment since the First Celebration

Below, Plastic and debris seems to find its own way to tell the human race it time for a cleanup.

Brandon Russell, Editor

Since the start of the first earth day in 1970’s, the environment has continuously tried to recuperate from losses applied by environmental hindrances such as continuous smog, coal mining, and illegal dumping in oceans. From pesticides killing bald eagles in 1970 to pesticides called DDT polluting our oceans with destroyed waste, that of Earth Day has continued to help aid in the rebuilding and maintenance of mother nature, according to CNN.


To the theme of 2018, Earth Day focused the most on the amount of plastic in which is being used and produced throughout the globe today. According to CNN, our plastic refuse is “the size of Texas in the pacific garbage patch,” and small plastics eaten by fish are starting to turn up on our own dinner table plates. With a whopping ninety percent of plastic not being recycled, that of our oceans natural color and our mammals eating cycle if starting to come back to haunt our earth.


This Earth Day in 2018 is something different however. With society starting to become more proactive and involved in the everyday laws and upcoming legislative beliefs, that of the 2018 Earth Day brought along a whole new sense of revitalization in which our globe has never seen before. From more beach cleanups to a more proactive attempt for environmental regulations through marches and protests, this Earth Day is something researchers and followers of this national holiday are astounded to see. According to an article on National Geographic, that of “Trump’s plans on changing the environment” is not being actually enacted throughout our country today. From the death of the Great Barrier reef to offshore oil spills and illegal dumping, that of Earth Day has awakened a whole new sense of revitalization for our environment and our natural world.


Tyler Krause (11) believes that Earth Day in 2018 has “allowed [myself] to delve deeper into the true necessity of care in which this beautiful world needs on a daily basis.” Not only are we “taking advantage of what this world has to offer” but we are not allowing ourselves as a society to take care of the world that provides our need for life.


Without a doubt, the need for worldwide recognition of the earth’s natural creation and needs is something that all environmentalists and conservationists think about and fight for everyday. However, Earth Day in 2018 has rejuvenated a sense of enthusiasm to get out and clean up this beautiful world in which we call home.