Milo Martinson, Photojournalist
Milo Martinson is a senior at Yorba Linda High School and she’s so excited to continue her journey as a Wrangler staff member! As she begins her second year as a photojournalist, she has so many exciting ideas to share with the world. Some of Milo’s favorite things include fascinating books, silly cats, and indie films. When she isn’t writing for The Wrangler, you can find Milo spending time with her family, cuddling with her cats, volunteering at animal shelters, or working as a swim instructor! Milo is passionate about making the world a better place. She wants to pursue a career in child development so she can provide extra support to children who need it! Things that make Milo the happiest are her little sisters, the smell of rain, and writing new articles for The Wrangler!