5 Easy Ways To Make Money As A Teen

Photo courtesy of FamilyMint.
October 26, 2016
High school can be a busy and stressful time with sports, community service, clubs, and academics and it can barely leave any time for getting an actual job. Check out these ten less time consuming alternatives to working that are perfect for any high schooler with a busy schedule.
1. Sell your opinion. Through websites like surveysavvy.com and opinionoutpost.com you can make money based on how many surveys you take. All you will need is a laptop, smartphone, or any other device with internet accessibility. There is no obligation when you sign up for the sites and you can work on your own schedule.
2. If you have a recurring open space in your schedule and a knack for a certain subject, tutoring might be a good way for you to earn money on a weekly basis. Make flyers advertising your service and hand them out at an elementary or middle school. Once you find kids to tutor, ask them to meet up with you at a public library and help them with their homework or teach them new skills. Ten dollars per hour is a reasonable price to charge for a tutoring service.
3. Sell your old clothes online. Using poshmark.com, you can sell all your unwanted clothes and have money sent straight to your bank account. Open up a Poshmark account, list your items, and wait for an offer. Once you accept an offer you can mail the clothes to Poshmark and they will deal with the rest of the sale.
4. Babysitting and petsitting is always an option when it comes to making easy money. All you need to do is keep the kid or pet entertained for the given amount of time. If you have your driver’s license you can always charge extra to pick kids up from school or drop them off at their after school activities.
5. Review music online. With slicethepie.com you can get paid for listening to new music, rating it on a scale from one to ten, and providing a five sentence summary, explaining your reasoning for your rate. Anyone ages thirteen or older can sign up to review music. Slicethepie.com pays through PayPall when you earn at least ten dollars.
“I can’t wait to try reviewing music online! It’s like killing two birds with one stone, I get to have fun while making money. It is a great way for kids to make money in today’s society with their busy schedules,” stated Alhees Basharmal (9).
Instead of applying for a job you don’t have time for, try selling your old clothes online or tutoring children. These five ways to make money will save you time and won’t increase your stress level.