Daydreaming: Is It Really Just Staring Into Space?
You are in history class. The teacher is explaining the parts of the Declaration of Independence. The next thing you know, you are no longer in class. You are with your friends playing laser tag. Or perhaps you are with the main character of your favorite book going on an adventure.
Daydreaming happens when we least expect it. It can be triggered by the most unusual things: a person walking on the sidewalk, a strangely shaped cloud in the sky, or even a single word on a paper. When we daydream, we don’t know why it happens, it just does. But is that really the case?
Studies have shown that daydreaming is actually healthy for the mind. According to Daily Mail, the low level of electricity that we use during daydreams can actually change the way we think! It can also improve our mood and what we think about the world.
Our wandering minds do more than just stare off into space when we are in a boring situation. It helps us plan for what could come ahead in life. People daydream about planning something to as small as what to have for breakfast or the schedule for a week-long vacation. It can also help us review, think about past mistakes, and how to fix them.
Besthealthmag stated,“We can review, rehearse and learn to understand our lives, without endlessly repeating ourselves.”
Studies have also shown that daydreaming is a sign of a good memory because they use images of things that we remember, according to Livescience. Those who daydream while doing a task, or multiple tasks, are able to exercise their memory by being able to do both at once. Being able to do both can become like an autopilot when doing a frequent task like putting away laundry or doing the dishes.
Daydreaming is especially noticeable in students. With classes, homework, and extra activities, daydreaming is the obvious thing that they go to. It’s nature’s way of letting us escape reality. But what are these students thinking about if it’s not the lesson?
“I usually just daydream about some stories ideas that I could write about when I think of something interesting or if I’m bored,” said Caroline Birchfield (12).
While all cases may not be writing stories, many students, and even adults, still come up with some kind of story in their minds. Even something as simple as how they think the day or weekend is going to unfold.
“I think that daydreaming is very valuable and attainable,” said Mr. Cadra. “I usually enjoy thinking about spending time with my family and traveling.”
Daydreaming is extremely beneficial in daily life. Whether it’s planning a fun weekend or remembering parts of a lecture, it is a necessity and luxury to all.

Kathleen Toblesky is a senior at YLHS serving as a photojournalist on The Wrangler. She has been involved with newspaper since middle school and was more...