High school often doesn’t live up to the movie expectations for various reasons, and it’s not necessarily that modern schools are less fun, but rather that movies tend to romanticize or exaggerate certain aspects of high school life for entertainment purposes.
High school movies frequently rely on a range of tropes and conventions that can create a somewhat distorted view of the high school experience. One common element is the use of stereotypes and clichés to establish easily recognizable characters, like the jock, the nerd, the cheerleader, and the outcast. However, in reality, individuals are more complex and don’t neatly fit into these categories.
Moreover, these films often thrive on dramatic storylines and conflicts, presenting a heightened sense of high school drama. While real high schools do have their fair share of drama, it is rarely as extreme or continuous as depicted on the big screen. Most students have relatively mundane, day-to-day experiences throughout their high school years.
Another notable aspect of high school movies is the casting of older actors to portray high school students, which can lead to an unrealistic portrayal of the physical and emotional development of teenagers. Additionally, movies often condense events and timeframes to fit within a 90-120 minute runtime, while in reality, high school spans several years, and not every day is filled with exciting or life-changing events.
In these films, there is often an underemphasis on the role of teachers and school administrators, with the focus primarily on student interactions. However, in real high schools, teachers play a significant role in students’ lives and education.
Furthermore, high school movies tend to exaggerate the importance and frequency of romantic relationships and love triangles, making it seem like finding true love is a primary goal of high school. In reality, relationships are just one aspect of teenage life. Similarly, while parties and extracurricular activities are part of high school, movies exaggerate their significance and frequency, neglecting that many students have less exciting social lives.
Academic challenges and responsibilities are often downplayed in these films, with little attention given to the stress of managing coursework, exams, and homework. Additionally, movies may need to accurately represent the diversity of real high schools, both in terms of ethnicity and socioeconomic background.
Lastly, while movies sometimes depict bullying and peer pressure, they may need to fully capture the complexity of these issues or the efforts schools make to address them. In conclusion, high school movies offer entertaining narratives, but they should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to reflecting the genuine high school experience.
It’s essential to remember that high school can be a positive and meaningful experience for students. While it may not always live up to the cinematic hype, it offers opportunities for personal growth, learning, and building lifelong friendships. Modern schools always try to provide a safe and supportive environment for all to thrive academically and socially, even if they don’t always resemble the movies. After discussing this topic with Hope Bucklin (12) states that “Movies show a very theatrical and exaggerated version of high school, but the real high school experience is still entertaining, whether it is through sports, dances, or other activities with friends.” It is important to note that even though most don’t experience crazy love drama situations we remain positive and grateful for school.
Ayesha • Nov 30, 2023 at 7:37 AM
I agree, my view of high school was completely different than what its actually like because of movies romanticizing it.
Sophia Jones • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:49 AM
wow, this is so true!
Lucy Lu • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:46 AM
Definitely agree that movies set our expectations for high school too high.
Giana Mejia • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:37 AM
I totally agree with this. Before going to high school, I watched many films like Clueless which had changed my and my friends’ perspectives on high school. We expect a lot more than actually happens.
Natalie Waters • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:36 AM
This is really interesting and I agree. This article is really well written and I enjoyed reading it
Megan Huynh • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:35 AM
I agree with this. When I watched movies in the past, I thought high school would be the exact same, but now that I am actually experiencing it, it is a lot more different than I imagined.
Imaan Moten • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:35 AM
I agree with this! super interesting insight.
Derek Truong • Oct 12, 2023 at 7:34 AM
I really enjoyed this article because it felt very relatable. It was also thorough because it included many examples. Some feedback I would give is to give specific examples, such as movie or show names. Great job!