Eat Les Chikin?

(Photo Courtesy of
May 14, 2015
Students at Johns Hopkins University recently voted to ask their administration to prevent Chick-Fil-A from opening a restaurant on campus, on the grounds that they are opposed to Chick-Fil-A’s CEO’s stance against gay marriage (
Three years ago, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy, was heavily criticized for his comments against gay marriage. Chick-Fil-A is known for its support of the “traditional family and traditional values”, and many of this food chain’s policies are based upon religious values. This ideology can be seen in Chick-Fil-A’s policy to be closed every Sunday, as this day is usually seen as a holy day for rest and church, as well as for time spent with family. Cathy cited the Bible as the basis of his beliefs, and defended his claims against gay marriage by arguing that “the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word” (
Cathy received heavy backlash from several supporters of the LGBT community, with many people boycotting the usually beloved corporation. However, last year, Cathy did try to move past his conservative ideals, by stating that although he does not rescind his previous comments, he does regret his earlier sentiments and believes in equality; he also stated that Chick-Fil-A “sincerely cares about all people” (
Although Cathy has tried to ameliorate public relations with such statements, many still are offended by his 2012 comments and see his seemingly remorseful comments as simply means to help promote his business to a larger range of individuals. With the new rise of public support for the LGBT community, the new trend seems to be the public stories of tragic coming out stories, such as the recent suicides of teenage transgenders Taylor Alesana and Leelah Alcorn. With many decrying the public defamation of transgenders and other members of the LGBT community, Johns Hopkins’ student body has also decided to unite against this cause with this vote.
Many students felt an opening of a Chick-Fil-A would be a transgression against the LGBT community, and the Student Government Association approved this resolution ( However, this vote seems merely theoretical, as there does not seem to be imminent potential of a Chick-Fil-A opening on the Johns Hopkins’ University campus.
This resolution may be purely symbolic; however, it represents the ongoing political discussion between those who support LGBT’s and those who do not. Although the persecution of any group of people is surely perverse, many do not feel business decisions should be based on such personal opinions. Junior Kaila Labrador (11) states that, “I love Chick-Fil-A, and I don’t personally take these political opinions into account when I go eat. I just think about the food and that pretty much is all that counts for me!”
The business of consumerism should not be mixed with personal political opinions. Food is a fairly simple subject and shouldn’t be used as a tool for support of personal political opinion. Although the Johns Hopkins’ vote is significant in its meaning for its support of the LGBT community, businesses should still not be persecuted just for their CEO’s religious beliefs.