Deadly Earthquake Strikes Nepal


Courtesy of CNN

Heather Gammon, Co-Editor-in-Chief

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 rocked Nepal with devastating force on Saturday, April 25, 2015. The quake destroyed homes, temples, and ancient landmarks, striking an area of central Nepal between the capital, Kathmandu, and the city of Pokhara. There were also victims in India, Bangladesh, Tibet and on Mount Everest, where avalanches were triggered.

The U.S. Geological Survey had at first measured the strength at magnitude 7.5 but later upgraded it. A strong aftershock of magnitude 6.6 was recorded a little more than a half-hour afterward, along with at least 15 aftershocks of magnitude 4.5 or greater.

As of now, Nepal’s Ministry of Home Affairs estimates the death toll to be about 1,400 people. But given that the rescue effort is still in its early stages, it seems highly probable the number will rise significantly in the next 24 hours.

Offers of aid:
-According to the U.S. Embassy in Nepal, the U.S. government is providing $1 million in immediate assistance to Nepal. Numerous American disaster response teams are also on their way to Nepal.
-India has sent several aircraft, carrying medical supplies and a mobile hospital, as well as a 40-strong disaster response team, including rescuers with dogs
-The UK is sending an eight-strong team of humanitarian experts
-Pakistan is sending four C-130 aircraft carrying a 30-bed field hospital and army doctors and specialists; urban search-and-rescue teams equipped with radars and sniffer dogs; and food items, including 2,000 meals, 200 tents and 600 blankets
-Norway has promised 30 million krone ($3.9m) in humanitarian assistance
-Germany, Spain, France, Israel and the European Union are also pledging to send aid

“To the people in Nepal and the region affected by this tragedy we send our heartfelt sympathies,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement. “The United States stands with you during this difficult time.