With the start of the second semester, it’s exceedingly important to have a good foundation of exceptional grades to build upon in these remaining months. Among other factors, location is undeniably a large part of one’s ability to focus when completing homework, or process information when studying. Most notably, the volume and atmosphere of a location can very easily sabotage or support concentration depending on the person. Besides that, a person’s preferences and personality are other factors to consider. One person may enjoy the bustling, crowds of a cafe while another may lose their mind trying to study in the presence of so much noise – it all depends on the person’s personality.
While the location is important, another struggle is clear as Hailee Kim (10) says, “I can’t focus because of my phone and friends. I also always have my earbuds in.” Since modern education relies on technology, using laptops and phones can either be detrimental or beneficial. Although the right choice of music can lessen anxiety while studying, the same phone or laptop playing that music can also be a distraction (University of Maryland Global Campus). Seven hours of the day are spent in school and combined with maintaining a healthy sleep schedule that time for homework can be extremely slim. To prove its damage as a distraction, the average screen time for teenagers is seven hours and 22 minutes, often greater than the amount of time spent in school (COSMO).
Since every person is different and has varying considerations that enable favorable study habits, it’s first important to establish a couple of things that will greatly affect the choices. First of all, socializing – do you work better with other people around or sitting with friends? Second, volume – is silence eerie and unnerving, or necessary for your success?
The most obvious place to complete homework comes from its namesake, home. The cozy atmosphere allows for a calm mindset while learning, improving the retention of information and allowing ease of recharge with no further cost. Its downsides are extremely obvious though: the several beds, sofas, or TVs nearby are more than enticing reasons to procrastinate and relax rather than work (Glean). Studying at home is likely better for those who are more introverted but can still focus on their work and resist the urge to nap.
Following that, another common alternative is a school or public library. Libraries are notorious for their near uncanny silence and the students that crowd inside. That infamous silence is one of the largest factors in the effectiveness of the library as it provides a tranquil environment that clears the mind. Ironically, peer pressure is also one of the library’s advantages. Since libraries are hotspots for students, to be seen slacking off in contrast to everyone else diligently working can also be motivation to start typing rather than scrolling on social media. While in reality it’s likely no one notices, the environment and the people in that environment are what affect concentration. While it might not be for everyone due to many people inhabiting them, libraries are great places to study as they provide that little bit of extra motivation when surrounded by other engaged students. Although the silence may not be appealing to some, it can easily be aided by music or a friend to silently converse with.
Lastly, cafes are another place often filled with people, not just students, to be productive. They are quite loud settings with crowds constantly coming in and out and drinks being made in the background. Their most prized benefit lies in the easy source of beverages and snacks. Many teas are known to calm the mind allowing for a relaxed mindset that, as previously mentioned, will remember content better. Along with tea, coffee is another beverage that also makes the mind more alert and concentrate better (WebMD). Besides that, they enable students to work together without disrupting the quietness of a library. Cafes do come with a large amount of downsides though. Staying for a long time and constantly purchasing drinks can easily drain the wallet and the noise isn’t for everyone. Altogether, studying at cafes is best for people thrown off by the silence of a library or a bedroom but may not enjoy music as background noise.
Every person studies differently and is most productive in different settings and situations. While a cafe, library, or personal bedroom may not be the only places to focus on an assignment fully, it could be helpful to look at each of their features to find a personal best place to study.
Journey Mou • Feb 20, 2025 at 10:26 PM
I’ll definitely be trying to get things done in these places! Excellent article!
Leilah Huttner • Feb 20, 2025 at 7:52 AM
Very interesting take! I think I study best in a coffee shop with background noise.
Cora Derby • Feb 20, 2025 at 7:28 AM
Great article! I love studying at coffee shops and libraries.
Maddie • Feb 20, 2025 at 7:26 AM
I struggle with focus myself, so learning that I could possibly get more work done at the library or cafe is really helpful!
Tiffany • Feb 20, 2025 at 7:26 AM
Personally, I enjoy studying in my house but the library is a close second. Super interesting article!