Making the Most of Time

Watch the time in style! Pocket watches are adorable, I wonder why we stopped using them.


Watch the time in style! Pocket watches are adorable, I wonder why we stopped using them.

Bella Smith, Photojournalist

Does everything seem to be going faster? Cars? Time? “I think the fast paced society we live in currently brainwashed me into thinking I can upgrade myself and my life just as fast as when I restart my computer or phone. I have forgotten the natural cycles of life… How the moon takes her time to be full or how the crops take their time to grow their fruits.” This quote by the user fairyrealmmsss kinda inspired me to write this article. I thought: food takes a long while to grow but the world was created with that in mind, taking things at a slower pace seems more meant to be and it’d make sense.

Being laser focused could sometimes be helpful in getting the job done. When you’re focused you eventually get used to the “even flow”. When facing school, chores, and work it’s probably best to draw all your focus, taking them one after the other, while avoiding stops that ruin your flow. Work gets easier as you ease into it, time seems to go faster, all while helping prevent procrastination leaving you time to take it easy. It seems so easy until you have to apply it to life but it’s okay, it’s all about getting used to. 

I think we experience time in different way depending on the moment that we are in

— Chase Kim (11)

Take it easy! It may seem contradictory but draw out small moments, enough to take them in while avoiding the point of getting lost in them. If you’re looking to spend your days especially healthier, some ideas include 20 minutes of journaling, walks with music, doodling, exercising, or reading. When you section your day towards multiple leisures you avoid losing yourself in one. By the end of the day you have multiple moments to look back and smile about and you’ll be happier and your day may even seem longer. 

Time seems to always be fleeing, it’s important to be mindful while knowing how to interfere. Chase Kim (10) comments, “I think we experience time in different way depending on the moment that we are in.” A lot of it has to do with predictability, the day just blends and groups up with not so significant moments. Be spontaneous and try new things! Each day is just as important as the last, find your flow, while creating a balance and cherishing the small happy moments. Keep a variety and keep it interesting, I hope this article serves as a healthy reminder in putting your day to order.