Magic of Manifesting: Does it Work?

Writing down exactly what you want is the most popular way to manifest and communicate with the universe.
March 28, 2022
If I manifested that people would read my article (which you are right now), does that mean manifestation actually works? You have probably heard your friends or other students talk about manifesting, but in case you don’t know what it is, manifesting is basically the practice of thinking positive thoughts to make them a reality. Sounds like a dream right? This trend became popular around mid-2020, especially on TikTok, which many people now use to increase their odds of getting good grades, receiving a gift they want, or even finding love. Well it’s not all that easy, and it’s not proven to work, but for fellow manifesters, the universe and certain methods are important factors for success.
Manifestation strongly relies on numbers and the belief that specific numbers hold power. One of the most popular manifestation methods on TikTok is the ‘369 method’. Once you decide what you want to manifest into reality, you can use the ‘369 method’ by concentrating or by writing. Concentrate on or write down your manifestation (for example, “I will marry Harry Styles”) 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening (
Similarly, the ‘5×55 method’ requires you to write your goal 55 times every day for 5 days continuously. Again, this method is based on numbers, and it is no coincidence the number ‘5’ represents transformation and realignment (
The most crucial part of manifesting is your relationship with the universe, so make sure to be clear about what you want. The method that relies on the power of the universe requires you to write a letter addressed to the universe about your current state, what you want, and thanking the universe as if your wish came true. After finishing the letter, complete the method by throwing the paper away, tearing it up, or doing whatever needs to be done to get rid of it. Being straightforward with the universe will give you the greatest chance of getting what you want, that is if manifesting really works.
Speaking of if manifesting actually works, it’s time to get controversial. To those that do not believe in manifestation, there is a common misconception that you don’t have to work for what you want. You still have to put effort into reaching your goals, but by staying on top of your goals and being positive, the universe will see that and grant you what you asked for. On the other hand, there are many people who are skeptical of manifestation, saying that it hasn’t worked for them when they tried it. Honestly, it’s hard to say, because if you were never a believer it makes sense that manifestation doesn’t work for you. The key, according to what the believers say, is to not bring negative energy such as doubt. Arguing against the idea of manifestation, Nikole Galea (10) does not believe the universe works like that and feels that “if you want something you have to work for it. You cannot depend on whether or not the universe is in the mood to listen.”
Nonetheless, I understand that manifestation seems far-fetched, and although I am not completely sold, I don’t see why people shouldn’t give it a shot. Why not use manifestation to increase your odds of achieving your goals? You never know, it might just work. With everything being said, I am manifesting that you become the person you hope to be and do the things you’ve always dreamed of. If you made it till the end of this article, consider it claimed.