Recap of the 2022 Winter Olympics
The 2022 United States Olympics Team at the opening ceremony in Beijing.
March 15, 2022
For most places around the world, winter break is known as a time for skiing, snowboarding, or just playing in the snow. Depending on where someone lives, hockey in the backyard or ice-skating in the park is also an option. These activities are easily accessible recreationally, but they also manifest onto a different stage, the Olympics. Located in Beijing, China, the 2022 Winter Olympics showcased the world’s best participants from New Zealand to Denmark, participating in everything from luge to speed skating. There was so much news covering the event, but a few intimations were bigger than the rest.
Chloe Kim, a 21-year-old American snowboarder, won a gold medal for the US through the event of Women’s Halfpipe, allowing her to make history by being the first woman to ever win a gold medal in the halfpipe event. From the other end of the world, 24-year-old Gao Tingyu from China was the first Chinese man to win gold in Men’s speed skating. 29-year-old Erin Jackson from the US won gold in Women’s speed skating, making her the first black woman to ever win that title.
The winter Olympics had multiple moments of drama and controversy, one of which is the drug controversy over 15-year-old Russian ice skater Kamila Valieva. The skater, during another Russian skating competition in late December, tested positive for three drugs, all of which help heart issues, and one of which is banned from the Olympics. This news broke out shortly after Kamila had competed in the Olympics and scored very highly with her skating routine. This news shocked millions, YLHS student Naina Brar (9) says, “I didn’t watch the Olympics very much but I did watch Kamila’s routine, and it was extremely surprising what happened.” After almost being suspended, she came in fourth place. On a slightly lighter note, Daniil Aldoshkin, a 20-year-old Russian speed skater, also faced backlash for flipping off the crown with both hands after winning in his event. He apologized a couple of days ago, saying that it was purely an emotional reaction.
Since the Olympics ended on February 20, the talk of what will happen in the next winter Olympics has begun. A new event, known as Ski mountaineering, or Skimo, is like Alpine skiing (which is essentially regular skiing) but the Olympians start off the event by climbing up the mountain in a race. Many sources, such as King 5 say that the 2026 Olympics will take place on a ski resort in Italy called Cortina d’Ampezzo. Even though the curiosity of what the next Olympics will have is strong, the 2022 Olympics are sure to be an unforgettable one.