How does Kindness Affect our Health?
You can be kind no matter how old or young you are. Spread kindness!
November 7, 2020
Nowadays, health is our main concern. We need to be constantly aware of our physical and mental well-being. So what is a quick and simple method that we can all do to boost our health? It’s spreading kindness. Throughout many years the term kindness has been defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, but our generation has now added a whole new meaning. It can now be conveyed as “uncool” or “weak”. If this were the case, our world and everyone in it would be without peace.
There are so many positive effects that come with receiving kindness and being kind. As shown through various studies, kindness affects everyone both physically and mentally. On a mental level, scientists have proven how kindness can make you less susceptible to any negative emotions. Just how kindness elicits positive emotions, it reduces the negative ones. Another effect kindness has on our mental state is how it boosts our self-esteem. With all of the media’s influence, we have set standards for ourselves and others that are far too high. All of these are all based on the idea of a perfect life, which in reality, is all false. By exhibiting kindness, we can fulfill all the mental needs that we require.
Furthermore, the concept of kindness affecting our physical health has been quite unknown among many. As stated by AIFC, being kind to others can result in the benefit of our immune system, slowing the process of physical aging, and improving our blood pressure. Now, these issues don’t seem like a concern for us now; however, as we grow older, it will be our main concern to look young, and have a successfully working body.
Moreover, throughout the years of studying the effects of happiness, there have been recent developments in the theory. It has been discovered through new examinations that have been announced on Good News Network, “That previous studies have suggested that people who engage in prosocial behavior are happier and have better… health than those who don’t… However, not all studies have found evidence for that link.” Meaning that, even though it would seem like a reasonable theory, scientists have not been able to follow it through with proper evidence.
Our own Yorba Linda High School student Jaeden Le (10) shares his opinion on this matter, saying “Kindness is an intangible yet malleable force. Be kind to everyone you meet for the scars they bear may be one from battles you cannot see or from wounds that you hurt to touch.” Jaeden reveals a very interesting point of how kindness can help everyone, but any lack of it could be detrimental to our health.
On a final note, everyone should be aware of all the benefits of kindness. It doesn’t just affect one person individually but our society as a whole. After all the things we know about the positive outcomes of kindness, why wouldn’t more people be kind?
Sharon Sun • May 15, 2021 at 5:11 PM
I always felt like acts of kindness boosted the happiness of not only the giver but also the receiver, meaning that kindness really benefited everyone mutually. I definitely agree here Nikole!
Emma Perron • Feb 18, 2021 at 10:30 AM
I love how you looked at the bigger picture of kindness. Kindness can go a long way and it is the greatest way to improve our world. You brought up some really good points in your article, I love it.
faith desio • Nov 14, 2020 at 7:21 AM
Amazing article Nikole! I totally agree with everything you wrote. Also, Jaeden’s quote is very insightful and powerful. This really shows how kindness rocks!
Paige Reddick • Nov 13, 2020 at 1:01 PM
I love this article! It really made me view my health in a different perspective, rather than just physical. Your explanation and sources were thorough and extremely informative!