Spirit. Enthusiasm. Bonding. Every Yorba Linda High Schooler knows what goes on at a Yorba Linda High School rally, but very few know what goes into making the rally happen. From 6 pm to 11 pm ASB works on setting up the rally the night before. The class sets up all the posters they have been working on for the last couple weeks and decorates with balloons and streamers.
For the Clash of Classes rally in March, all the different ASB members decorated a section of the gym with posters of their colors that represented the 4 different grades. With the theme being Hunger Games, students painted mockingjays, katniss, and tree posters. The weekend before the week leading up to clash of classes, ASB spent most of Sunday at school preparing decorations and going all out with the posters for their section. Not only that, but on the Thursday before the rally Friday, ASB spent their night from 5-11pm working on set up. Finishing touches such as streamers and led lights were added, as well as the specialty posters. All 37 members of the class worked diligently to establish order and joy to the rally.
At Clash of Classes specifically, every grade has volunteers participate in the class dance which also has to be coordinated by ASB members. ASB coordinates music, choreography, and practices with the volunteers all so the finished product is something the whole grade can be proud of. With late night practices and lunch time rehearsals, rally participants make sure their class can really shine. Yorba Linda High School freshman, Isabel Cho (9) shares her experiences as she says “organizing the freshman dance was really hectic but it was such a fun experience for me and the other freshman!”.
Not only is the night before spent getting ready for the rally, but the morning is as well. The morning of a rally, all of ASB has to come early to school to do a rally run-through. Have you ever wondered how all the lights and songs are lined up and played at the right times? You have ASB and Video Productions to account for that. People from the class run the spotlights and regular lights throughout the entire rally, shining it on performers like Dance Company, Song, and Cheer. Sound and videos are all coordinated by the Video Productions class who also volunteer their time to make sure the rally ends up successful.
Rallies commissioners spend from weeks to months planning the rally so execution was a significant priority for them. All their hard work did not go unnoticed, with the final result of the rally being so energetic and joyful. Yorba Linda rallies allow all students to feel the mustang spirit and celebrate themselves for a day.