An Athlete’s Perspective.


Karina Shah

The end of a wrestling match won by Karina Shah.

Karina Shah, Photojournalist

With school shut down there are many different aspects of everyday life for students that have been ruined. With our classes being moved online, graduation pushed back, events cancelled and many more things that a pandemic has caused, there are also many athletes lost. All athletic events have been cancelled due to the stay-at-home order. The spring season has been cut short when it has barely just begun. All off-season training is put to a pause while those athletes are limited to training at home. For many, this is not enough to sufficiently train. 

As an athlete of two sports that are greatly affected by the virus I realize how great and horrid it has become. Track and field has ended and I had only competed in one meet this season. It was what I was most excited for in my life at that time and I am sure many people feel the same. When all of the Spring seasons were ended, there was a great deal of disappointment and sorrow because of the virus. The people who have trained the entire year from the moment they could up until the first meet had their time wasted. The Spring sports, baseball, boys golf, lacrosse, softball, swim, boys tennis, boys volleyball, and track were all ruined because of this pandemic 

The anger of these athletes is prominent and can be reflected with a wide disgruntlement of people who yearn to play their sport once more. Countless posts on social media have been made with people missing their sport along with them posting some of their favorite highlights or teammates. Danielle Huizar (10) says, “This pandemic has made me realize how much I truly needed track in my life.” Similar to this is many other people who use sports as an outlet to their emotions. 

In addition to the cancellation of the spring sports, the summer training is said to be canceled as well. All of the fall sports will be greatly affected by this because they are not allowed an adequate amount of time to train themselves for strength, conditioning, and accuracy after a long absence of sports. Many summer sports camps have already announced the cancellation due to the inability for contact sports to be played at a distance. Many people are trying to train to be the best when their season comes up but it has been made impossible for us to do that during these times.

Sports is a large part of my life and is to many other athletes. This pandemic has made every athlete become different in the sense that nothing is the same.