Sophomore Year Reflection

A post on instagram about Danielle Huizar (10) and her friends at homecoming.
April 25, 2020
After a relaxing and memorable freshman year of high school, as incoming sophomores, we had no idea what to expect. From taking one of the hardest AP classes as some students’ first into typical high school life, this year has been… an interesting, yet exciting, sophomore year. When talking about people’s high school experience, sophomore year almost only remains as a foggy memory from years ago. So let us walk back through the past six months and relive the most memorable parts.
Some events that have distracted us from the overlapping deadlines and countless tests include the welcome back dance, the district dance, the winter formal, and homecoming. The year started off with a fun welcome back dance that excited us about what the year had to bring. Seeing our middle school friends at the district dance for the first time in almost two years brought smiles to our faces as we were bewildered by how much has changed. Homecoming and winter formal proposals were too cute to forget and may have even started some typical high school drama.
Many students start to take AP classes in their sophomore year of high school. This year, sophomores learned a lot about themselves and what their limits are. With experience from these classes, most students are able to push themselves forward to the monstrous mountain of work that junior year holds for them.
Danielle Huizar (10) says “This year taught me a lot about myself and how much I can handle. Of course, this year was hard, but I would not change anything because the hardships I am going through now are setting me up to be prepared for the future.” From my point of view, I can state the same thing. This year has been incredibly stressful both in and outside of school, but in the end, I can say that it made me stronger and feel ready for the future.
Similar to our first year of high school, showing our mustang pride at sports games and rallies were memorable experiences that motivated our peers playing on the court or field and gave us the high school experience that we look forward to in movies. Although the sophomore class did not place first in the Disney Games rally, the joy we had showing sophomore class spirit still made it an unforgettable experience.
Danielle also mentions how “homecoming was one of [her] favorite school functions and allowed [her] to forget about [her] responsibilities in school.”
For many, sophomore year is the year that students make decisions about the rest of their high school experience. Now knowing what our interests and passions are, we can commit to different electives, sports, and even career paths.
Throughout this year, we’ve learned countless lessons and experienced a great deal of joy. I do not think we would ever trade the last six months for anything. So, let us continue this journey and make next year even better.