Beyond the Bubble



Drivers are greeted with a welcome sign when they enter Yorba Linda, the “land of gracious living”.

Courtney Huitt, Photojournalist


Those of us who live in Yorba Linda,  the “land of gracious living”, are often referred to as living in a bubble, implying that we are not exposed to the “real world”. It is easy to get caught up in this bubble and believe that everywhere reflects the aesthetics and living quality of Yorba Linda. Whether this is true or not, students may face culture shock and adjustment difficulties when moving to different cities or even states to attend college.

Suhna Choi (Former Student), a freshman attending University of Illinois, recounts that “[she] lived in Yorba Linda almost [her] entire life and [she] always knew Yorba Linda was a very closed off city, however [she] did not realize how different Yorba Linda was until she moved to Illinois.” Even so, Choi comments that the changes she experienced were not inherently negative; “by meeting new people and living in a new state, [she] was exposed to a different lifestyle.” Choi still admits that she experienced the initial desire to move back home during her first couple of weeks in Illinois. Choi shares her advice for moving to a new state by saying that “the adjustment of living in a new state is difficult at first but once you start meeting new people and finding activities you enjoy, you will become more comfortable.”

Hannah Higdon (Former Student) is a freshman at Boise State University. She comments that “leaving the bubble of Yorba Linda was honestly nothing like [she] expected.” Admitting that she is “such a homebody” Higdon expresses that “[she] did not expect to be super comfortable at BSU for at least her freshman year.” However, the people she has met there has completely changed her opinions and “[she] already feel[s] as at home as [she] did in Yorba Linda.” Higdon also conveys that she is still adjusting to the different weather in Idaho compared to California but she reveals that “watching the leaves change colors and actually experiencing the fall that you never get in California has really captured [her] heart.” Higdon also expresses her excitement in experiencing the upcoming winter. Brianna Erbach (Former Student), a freshman at University of Washington also references the dramatic weather shift moving from Yorba Linda to Seattle saying that “this is the first time [she] actually had to buy a raincoat.” It rains quite frequently in Seattle and adjusting to the daily drizzle has been a point of struggle after growing up in sunny California.

Kayla Robley (Former Student) shares a different side to the transition of moving out of Yorba Linda beyond the subject of weather and new friends. Robley has just started her freshman year at the University of San Francisco and confides that “leaving Yorba Linda was a shock to [her].” Transitioning from a small suburb to such a big city really put the world into perspective to her. She remembers walking down the streets of Yorba Linda to see “perfectly groomed lawns” but as she walks down the streets of San Francisco, she is met with “the homeless lined up.” Robley still recommends submerging yourself into an environment completely different from your home because college is a time not only to find yourself but to learn about the world and other mindsets.” She is content with her decision to move to San Francisco for college saying that “if you stay somewhere where you are comfortable, you lose that entire aspect of personal growth.”

Moving away to college is a bittersweet time in most people’s lives. In essence, you are leaving behind everyone and everything that has become familiar in your past 18 years of life. Nevertheless, Choi, Higdon, and Robley seem to formulate the idea that although it can be terrifying, moving away is also exhilarating. Even though I have lived in Yorba Linda all of my life, I think it would be foolish of me to believe that Yorba Linda is an accurate representation of most cities. It is an aesthetically pleasing, clean-cut town where high schoolers drive Range Rovers and Mercedes to school and trails are designated for people to ride their horses. While I have greatly enjoyed growing up in Yorba Linda and recognize how fortunate I am, I do believe that moving outside of the city for college can be beneficial, ensuring that you do not become completely detached from society. Moving beyond this Yorba Linda “bubble” will provide new experiences to help stimulate growth and while adjusting may seem difficult at first, as reiterated by students who have made the transition, it is not impossible.