Club Spotlight : The Political and Social Activism Club
Raising Awareness About Politics and Social Issues
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October 9, 2018
With the dawn of every brand new school year comes the revival and beginning of many clubs here at YLHS. Clubs are a valuable part of the high school experience; they serve as diverse paths and activities that students can pursue outside of their classes. Recently, YLHS finished a successful two days of Club Rush, with students across the school signing up for all kinds of clubs.
One of the brand new clubs started this year is the Political and Social Activism Club. This club aims to help students obtain a wider understanding of the world, especially in terms of politics or society. In order to do so, meetings will consist of friendly debates and community service or government outreach projects that will help members make a difference.
Sarah Chen (11) says that she wanted to start the club because she has
“been inspired by teen activists around the world to become more involved in our fast paced world.” Furthermore, she hoped to “reach other students who are also passionate about learning and forming their own opinions about the world around us.”
First off, fun and engaging debates are to be a key aspect of the Political and Social Activism Club. By allowing students to voice their own opinions in a safe, supportive environment, the club hopes that together they can all learn more about each other and about the world. Ahmed Suri (11) agrees, explaining that
“students here tend to live in a ‘Yorba Linda Bubble’” that makes it even more “important to expand that and become a politically educated citizen who [can] understand the inner workings of the world.” As for the debates themselves, he is “excited to discuss politics and ways to enact change in the present political climate.”
Not only will such debates provoke thought, they will also be a great learning experience; students will be able to learn about the prominent issues in the world and how to balance their own opinions with those of others. They will develop self-assurance and discover their own personal identity.
Kobi Khong (11) believes such
“activism gives students like us a voice in creating the future that we want to see, that we will be a part of.” He adds that if students will “contribute to a better tomorrow” if they are “creating a community where [they] have the opportunity to share [their] intrinsic right of discussion.” He views this kind of activism and community as the “basis of our nation.”
The club also aims to plan and host community service opportunities and government outreach projects. By giving back to the community for a cause that the members can mutually agree on, the participants will be able to make their community service hours more meaningful. As Anna Zhang (10) puts it, she has
“always had a passion for politics and want[s] an outlet to actively show and help [her] community.”
Together, the members will be able to discuss what exactly they want to do for the community.
Government outreach projects are also a goal. As citizens in a representative democracy such as that of the United States, everyone has the right to contact their government officials and stand up for what they believe in. Regardless of what that belief may be, the Political and Social Activism Club will support members in their efforts to have an impact on the world. This is a great opportunity to accomplish what may have been far more difficult alone.
Overall, the Political and Social Activism Club is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain real life experience with their peers.
Students will be able to “get more involved with the world around them” for causes that they are “really passionate about,” as Shifa Mirza (11) hopes to do.
Together, they will work towards both understanding and influencing the world. If interested, be sure to keep up with and attend their meetings. As Sarah Chen (11) puts it,
“we are the future and this is our duty.”