Officer and Advisor Training Day at YLHS
YLHS’s board members at OAT Day.
September 30, 2018
On Saturday, September 15, YLHS’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) hosted an annual Officer Advisor Training (OAT) Day. On this day, more than a hundred students from over a dozen different schools in Southern California came together to prepare for a brand new year of FBLA.
FBLA is a student led organization that prepares students for their future careers through competitions, community service opportunities, leadership conferences, and the chance to network with like minded individuals. Amanda Walion (12), leadership associate for Southern section of FBLA and president of YLHS FBLA, described OAT Day as
“an opportunity for [her] to network and share a common passion for FBLA.”
At OAT Day, officers from different chapters were able to learn from both section officers and each other. Southern section officers gave presentations covering a variety of topics from Sponsorships and Professional Leaders to Keeping Up Your Chapter’s Legacy. Not only was OAT Day a great way for attendees to gain valuable information, it was also a chance to meet their fellow members.
Each attendee received a folder with the schedule and a map of the school; these folders sorted them into the groups that they attended each workshop with. Through this fun process, officers from different schools were able to get to know one another; it also allowed them to share unique ideas that they each took back to their own school’s chapter.
Emily Remer (12), president of the Southern section of FBLA and vice president of membership of YLHS FBLA, said that the day was an
“eye opening experience for new members to get a pinch of what FBLA is.” She added that “this year we wanted to focus on workshops that related to each chapter” so “we did workshops and ice breakers” that allowed members to “grow and learn.”
These workshops and ice breakers really paid off, as different officers from different schools spent the day enjoying themselves and learning together. The workshops also involved discussions in which officers shared methods and events that they were doing for FBLA at their school. Furthermore, they planned possible community service events or fundraisers that different schools from the section could hold together.
All in all, OAT Day was fun and educational event that the attendees really enjoyed. It set the stage for a promising year of FBLA, giving officers time to prepare themselves before the next event.