French President Macron Attempts to Convince Trump to Continue with Iran Deal
Trump and Macron shake hands before a working lunch.
May 25, 2018
The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, has come to the United States in Washington as the guest of President Donald Trump in his first state visit in the late of April. During this visit, Macron hopes to persuade Trump to not remove the US from the nuclear deal in Iran as well as refraining from putting tariffs on European trade.
According to the Independent, Trump wishes to leave the Iran deal because they violated the nuclear agreement, which clearly states, “Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons” in the prologue. Because of this violation, Trump stated in October of last year that he will not be recertifying the deal, claiming that it was far to lenient on Iran.
By not recertifying, harsher economic sanctions will be placed on Iran, which is was made Iran agree to the deal in the first place.
US, China, Russia, UK, France, and Germany are all involved in the Iran Deal and discussed the details of the deal at a conference in Geneva in the same week as Macron’s arrival in the US. According to Izumi Nakamitsu, a U.K. Representative for Disarmament, the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action continues to be the best way to ensure the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme and to realise the promised tangible economic benefits for the Iranian people.”
After his three day trip to Washington DC, his attempts to change Trump’s mind ended unsuccessfully, convincing Macron that the US was “insane” for their flip-flopping on international agreements.
Unfortunately for Macron, Trump does not seem to be budging on his position regarding the deal. Not only that, but he has a deadline to convinced him: May 12. He has recently left Washington and is currently in Australia. In a Sydney conference, Macron stated that the current Iran Deal was not sufficient enough to monitor Iran’s nuclear involvement; however, he makes it clear that there “is no Plan B” and that the current deal is all they have to work with.
“The [Iran nuclear deal] was a very important negotiation and is the best way to monitor the current nuclear activity of the … Iranian regime,” he said at the Sydney press conference. “We negotiated it. We signed it. It’s good to respect it and that for me is a good beginning.”
As of now, Macron is still uncertain of whether or not Trump will sign the deal on May 12. Only time will tell how it will end.