Almost There
Staying Motivated
Staying strong in the last semester is incredibly important.
April 25, 2018
April, May, then June. These three months seem to be the most trying and frustrating for students here at YLHS. It definitely is not easy to try and stay focused on school, sports, and everything else when summer seems so close yet so far. But finishing the year off strong is something that every student should strive to do, so here are a few tips and suggestions on how to do exactly that.
- Just get it done
Often, thinking about the summer and the end of school can result in students slacking off or not bothering to do homework at all. This may backfire later, when deadlines and assignments pile up, or when grades start to plummet. The best way to combat this is to simply get everything done as soon as possible- instead of leaving anything to do later, think about how much easier it is to finish and have the satisfaction of being caught up. It might seem difficult and boring now, but it will definitely pay off in the future. Alice Ding (10) can definitely relate to this, as she makes sure to finish her work quickly because
“it’s honestly the best feeling to finish everything.”
- Enjoy the weather
Spring is arguably the best season, especially here in Southern California. The weather’s warm but not absolutely sweltering, and sunny but not burning hot. Why not take advantage of it? Try going for a change of scenery by studying outside, or simply keeping the outdoors in mind as a reward for finishing homework. Hopefully the nice weather will also help students stay positive and motivated, which is essential for studying well.
- Stay healthy
Often, it can be easy to get caught up in the stress of AP tests and finals. Some students may forget to maintain proper hydration, nutrition, exercise, or relaxation. These things matter, and an extra bottle of water or snack might be just the boost necessary to power through these last few weeks of school. Taking some time to relax and relieve some stress is also a good idea- whether it be by fulfilling a hobby or doing nothing at all.
- Think of the future
Right now, it may seem that summer is just too far away. But on the other hand, it can be turned into a great motivating factor to get through school. Think about how much fun summer will be, and use that inspiration to try and stay on track. Staying occupied will definitely help the time pass quicker, and hopefully summer will be here far sooner than it seems.
Everyone has their own methods, of course, but these are just a few things to keep in mind to try and push past the last few weeks of school. Although many students have AP tests and finals to worry about, remember that it will be over soon, and summer will hopefully bring lots of freedom, rest, and a welcome break from school.