Strange Thing to Say
Finn Wolfhard, only 14 years old, is being sexualized by adults.
December 12, 2017
Stranger Things has gained a lot of traction since the release of its second season in late October, although it has been hyped and highly anticipated since it was announced that there would be a continuation of the series. The main cast of Stranger Things consists of young teens, ranging from the age of thirteen to sixteen years old. Finn Wolfhard plays Mike Wheeler in the show, and also starred in the remake of a horror classic, It.
Recently, 27 year old model, Ali Michael, posted on a picture of Finn on her Instagram story, captioning it: “Not to be weird but hit me up in 4 years @finnwolfhardofficial.” Of course, Twitter blew up, and many people criticized her for sexualizing a child. She received a lot of backlash, and immediately deleted the post, then proceeded to apologize for it.
She told Teen Vogue on Wednesday: “It was never my intention (nor has it ever been) to sexualize a minor in any way shape or form. To those I offended or misled, I apologize for a post made in haste and lacking in sensitivity, particularly considering the landscape of the present culture.”
Finn also commented about this controversy in a video for TMZ. When asked about the 27 year old model, he said that “it was nuts, it was weird,” and that it was “good that she apologized.”
Ashley Bui-Tran (11) also finds it weird that someone twice his age was talking about him like that. “Yes, he is an actor, but he is a kid first,” she says. “He should be able to enjoy his childhood in peace, not being harassed or sexualized because of his fame.”
There are other instances where the kids of Stranger Things were not treated like kids. Finn addressed the harassment of the cast on twitter after a few incidents that occurred where fans of the show waited outside the cast’s hotels. “I don’t wanna ex-communicate anyone from this fandom, but if you are for real you will not harass my friends, or co-workers,” Wolfhard wrote. “Why I even have to tweet that, I don’t know. Anyone who calls themselves a ‘fan’ and actively goes after someone for literally acting and doing their job is ridiculous. Think b4 ya type boiiii.”
Season 3 of Stranger Things has been confirmed, but there is no official release date yet.