Finn Wolfhard Fires Agent Over Sexual Assault Allegations
Stranger Things actor, Finn Wolfhard fires agent over sexual assault allegations.
November 3, 2017
The hot topic of sexual harassment in Hollywood has been circulating throughout the news in these past few weeks. With accusations and incriminating evidence of Harvey Weinstein’s forced sexual encounters with multiple women coming to light, other people have been outed as being sexual predators as well.
Former actor, Blaise Godbe Lipman, took part in the #MeToo campaign by sharing his own experience of sexual assault on Facebook. He claims Tyler Grasham from the Agency for the Performing Arts (APA) got him drunk and sexually assaulted him in 2007 when he was a teenager.
After seeing Lipman’s post, a man by the name of Lucas Ozarowski posted screenshots of conversations between him and Grasham, claiming that he was also sexually assaulted by him (Vulture). He also plans to “file a formal report of the alleged crime with the LAPD” (Highsnobiety).
Grasham works for the same agency Stranger Things actor, Finn Wolfhard was a part of. He actually represented Wolfhard, along with many other child stars such as Cameron Boyce from Disney Channel. However, after these two sexual assault allegations came to light, both actors fired Grasham, but only Wolfhard left the agency completely.
Ashley Bui-Tran (11) thinks that both Finn Wolfhard and Cameron Boyce were right to immediately fire Grasham. She thinks that these sexual predators are finally being exposed to the public and that people like Grasham are finally facing the consequences of their actions. “Hollywood, and society in general, needs to stop dismissing these accusations and instead, start treating them seriously,” she says. “We shouldn’t let bad people get away with their crimes, so people like Weinstein and Grasham shouldn’t be allowed to keep their jobs.”
Grasham is now fired from APA, and is currently under investigation by the LAPD.