Tomi Lahren is Pro-Choice?
Photo courtesy of Colin Young-Wolff
Tomi Lahren surprises the public with her pro-choice statements.
April 7, 2017
At this moment in history, the United States is notorious for its clashing political views. On one side, there are the right-wing republicans who have more conservative viewpoints. On the other side, there are the left-wing democrats with liberal ideologies. Ever since the election, there has been tension between the two major political parties, fomenting strong public opinions and reactions to the new government.
One of the most well-known conservatives, Tomi Lahren, is the host of a show called “The Blaze.” Although she is only 24 years old, she has accomplished a lot throughout her career; the biggest being having her own show where she publicly expresses her opinions about society and politics. She has made a lot of controversial statements throughout her career, including comparing the “Black Lives Matter” movement to the KKK and demeaning the feminist movement. She is also known for her support for Donald Trump and many of his policies.
The most controversial, however, is a statement she made just recently. Lahren was a guest on The View this month, a talk show, where she announced that she was pro-choice. “I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies,” she said. “ I’m for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well.”
Usually, her political opinions upset the left, but this time, it was the right who is outraged. To the conservatives, Lahren represented the ideal youth who advocates traditional ideology; she was a perfect representation of the type of people conservatives like. However, after her comments, the conservatives pulled their support from her and “The Blaze” suspended her show.
Kelly Nguyen (11) is a liberal and a strong advocate for the pro-choice movement. “Tomi Lahren is the epitome of everything that is wrong with America. I strongly disagree with many of her views and how she attempts to spread them,” she says. “However, I do agree with her on the pro-choice front. I feel that it was wrong of “The Blaze” to kick her off simply because she finally has an opinion that doesn’t fit their ultraconservative agenda.”
Overall, Lahren’s future is unclear; the company will hold the suspension for at least a week. Lahren’s contract with the company “goes until September, but that she may leave the company before then” (The Resurgent).