Flurona: A combination of the Flu and COVID

Rush University

With children going back to school and people going back to their day-to-day activities, it makes it much easier for both the flu and COVID to spread.

Kylie de Best, Editor

Throughout the pandemic, there has been a lot for people to worry about already. With the combination of both COVID and a flu season, people can now get both at once, and this has been known as “Flurona.” 

The first official reported Flurona case was in Israel, where two pregnant women tested positive for both the flu and COVID. Fortunately, both of the pregnant women were treated and put into isolation, and they both experienced similar symptoms but were able to bring their newborns home when they got better.

Though this term seemed to have recently come about, it actually has already happened in countries such as the United States, Israel, Brazil, the Philippines, and Hungary (New York Times). One known earlier case of “Flurona” was back in February 2020, when “a man entered a New York went to a hospital with a severe cough and fever. The patient tested positive for influenza and was then tested for the coronavirus” (New York Times).

Since last year the flu wasn’t as commonly spread due to fewer people going out, there wasn’t much of a chance to analyze trends and find out more of “Flurona.” However, based on data from past years, Kids are known to be the greatest spreader of the flu, because when they “contract the flu virus, they produce more virus than adults do and shed the virus for longer periods of time” (Healthline). Considering this, kids being back in school is one valid reason as to why flu cases are rising, as well as many people going back to their day-to-day activities. 

Fortunately, even though flu cases may be more prevalent than last year, it is still only a third the number of flu cases compared to a normal flu season (whec). This is because COVID spreads much easier, giving it a bigger advantage to dominate over the flu.

Though the thought of having two viruses may sound concerning to some, many do not seem too worried, but those who have major health conditions should be extra cautious. Since both viruses have similar symptoms and are spread in similar ways, it is important to get tested to make sure you know which one you have, or even if you have both.

Juliana Neemeh emphasizes how “it is important to be cautious right now, as the flu season will likely cause a lot more people to be sick. It can also potentially raise hospitalizations, since having two viruses at once can weaken the immune system a lot.”

With the different variants of viruses going around, and the new possibility of getting “Flurona,” maintaining good hygiene is the best way to stop the spread.  As doctors have been advising for COVID, they recommend wearing a mask and getting a flu shot to prevent the spread of COVID, and this applies to the flu as well (New York Times).