Getting in the Christmas Spirit

basic christmas treats; photo courtesy of

Bita Zadeh, Photojournalist

Christmas is almost here and to get the whole experience means putting up decorations around the house, giving gifts, and eating cute Christmas treats. Every year is always the same though. Decorations are put up that are the exact same as the year before, gifts are bought the day before and tend to be really unthoughtful, and there is never time to think of cute new treats to make so you end up buying the basic Santa hat and Christmas tree cookies. Also, all Christmas decorations, foods and gifts end up being so basic. Wouldn’t it be great to have treats that are unique and celebrate how Christmas is celebrated all around the world and have diy decorations and gifts that people will actually love and use?



Christmas treats usually end up being stale cookies and brownies from any grocery store that is open the night before Christmas, but not this year. This year you can be creative and make dishes and treats that are vibrant and give a taste of different cultures.

  1. Instead of the basic cookie, this recipe of treats from Greece will have you licking your fingers like no cookie you’ve ever eaten. These are sticky-sweet honey glazed cookies with a dusting of walnut pieces. It has an oil base which makes their texture more like a cake then cookie and they are flavored with bright splashes of orange. recipe at
  2. In Chile and other Spanish speaking countries Pan de Pascua is a traditional Christmas treat. To make it easier you can make these into cupcakes. It is a sponge cake made using honey and ginger, giving it a delightfully sweet taste. Almonds, walnuts, candied fruits and raisons are also typically present. Then, you could top it off with some frosting designs for a more christmasy feel. recipe at
  3. Persian Doughnuts with saffron and rose water or “zoolbia bamieh” are also a must-make. They are small, simple, and taste amazing. All you have to do is deep fry dough in any pot and soak them in a syrup make from the saffron and boiled rose water. They end up looking like churros and can be decorated to look cute on the festive table. recipe at



Gifts and Décor:

These diy projects will make cute décor or even gifts. They are simple and very thoughtful for friends and family.


Clothespin Wreath-

  1. Gather your supplies (wreath form, clothespins, paint)
  2. Glue the clothespins all around the form
  3. Paint the clothespins green to make it look like a wreath
  4. Stick and decorations you would like
  5. It is ready to be hung and is perfect for holding you Christmas cards or pictures.


3D Display Picture-

  1. Gather your supplies (shadowbox frame, hardstock paper, paint of your choice, stickers, and any other accessories you want to add)
  2. Paint the frame any color you like
  3. Cut the hardstock paper to fit the frame, glue any cute pictures you would like to it, or simply leave just the colorful paper
  4. Glue the harstock paper to the back of the picture frame
  5. Stick any letters that say something festive to the glass front
  6. Stick jingle bells and any other accessories in it
  7. Now you have a cute, sentimental gift or a decoration to put anywhere around the house!