How Can Trying Something New Be Fun?

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

"Acquacotta soup in a Italian Restaurant

“Acquacotta soup in a Italian Restaurant

Salvador Martinez, Photojournalist

“Try something new!” Quit eating the same thing over-and-over! Try something from a different culture! We have all heard from our parents that “it never hurts to try something new” Well, trying new foods is a good variety for your body. Your body is always working to digest your food, it is best to sometimes alter your diet. Trying new foods can also result in a healthier lifestyle. It is normal that anxiety is playing its role when you are about to eat something we never seen or heard of before. It is important to try it first, then decide what you think of that food. Don’t decide what the food is like, when you haven’t tried it!


According to most parents, it is best to try food with your friends or siblings. This will help in being less of a  picky eater if you learn how to eat and try new foods together. The best way to apply this is to have an adult watch you and whoever is trying the food with you; this way you can have confidence in trying something new and not feel lame in front of your friends and family.


Deciding what to try can be hard sometimes. A great example of a cultural food to try would be the Italian cuisine. Italian Food always seems alining to the stomach. Right away, you might begin to think it is just pasta and vegetables. It’s best to dig in a little deeper and see the diversity in the food. Acquacotta, an Italian traditional soup, is something most people around normally don’t eat. This dish is from the region of  Maremma. The main ingredients that make up this dish are water, onions, tomatoes, stale bread and olive oil. In general, you should always find out what a dish contains- to make sure you are not allergic to anything in its consistency. If you do end up being allergic to whatever ingredient is present in that dish, move on and try something else.


As you begin to notice other the diversity of other foods, you begin to have that inclination of trying new foods. According to Sophia Chen (10) on trying foods, she says “it was so good I can just die of glory”. As a final thought, it is recommended to go and try new foods from different cultures.


Next time you plan going to a restaurant, considering trying something new with your friends and family. You might end up liking it or not so much, but the important thing is that you tried and learned about that food. Remember trying something new is part of the fun!