It’s a Comedy. It’s a Sport.

Deborah You, Photojournalist

Yorba Linda High School’s Comedy Sports had their first match of the 2015-2016 school year on September 29th, 2015. Comedy Sports is a competitive improv group that plays different theatrical games against each other as well as competing against different high schools. There are two parts of this match- the first half includes a beginning, middle and end, which then falls into an intermission. The second half includes the same schedule but with a new group of performers on each team.


On the stage, there are two teams- the red team, including four actors, and the blue team, including another four actors. Jesse Sardina(11) says that “it’s really fun being on stage and giving your all, even though you sometimes look like an idiot. [Her] favorite improv game is Weekend at Bernie’s because [she’s] really small, so everyone always chooses [her] to do it.” One piece of advice Jesse said is that “If people have never come, then they definitely should because it’s really fun and you will laugh for sure!”


Ms. Petz, the theater teacher, runs the Comedy Sports program and at every Comedy Sports match, there is always a professional Comedy Sportz player, Brian Green, to referee the event for the night, in order to make sure the event runs smoothly, as well as a student who sits in the lighting booth to announce the scores.


On September 29th, the first match of the 2015-2016 school year for YLHS, the red team won in the first half as well as the second. The team captain for the red team was Jenny Nagel (12), while the blue team captain was Aurora Donaldson (12). Gino Roberto (12) was a member of the blue team for the first half, and has been doing Comedy Sports for two years. “[His] favorite game would have to be Blind Line because the actors have to incorporate lines that the audience gives them in their scene, and it keeps them on their toes.”


Comedy Sports is a great way to make new friends, act out, and just have fun without caring about what others think of you. This program is a major highlight on campus as students, parents, and grandparents take the time to make room in their schedules in order to watch their peers and enjoy the entertainment!