Lent is an important time in Christian calendar. Serving as a penitential season in preparation for the season of easter. This period takes place from Ash Wednesday, all the way up to Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. During this time, christians practice three different spiritual practices, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. As Jesus did this similarly for forty days in the wilderness, Christians honor his sacrifice and reciprocate the same hardship back in a different way. By exploring the history lent, it gives not only christians but people around the world the significance and importance of this time.
The root of Lent goes back to the time that Jesus spent in the desert. 40 days of no food at all, just sacrifice. He was spending time here because he was led there by the holy spirit to the desert after his baptism, to be tempted by the devil. During this time he was preparing for his ministry where he fasted and spent time in prayer. These same actions are now practiced by Christians during Lent today.
The Whole idea of lent doesn’t actually come from the bible, but the practices of prayer and fasting does. Fasting is mentioned several times in scripture as a spiritual tradition. Not only this, it is mentioned as something expected and not something that Jesus is asking for. If scripture is analyzed, you will find Jesus’s encouragement towards making these sacrifices in order to honor the Lord’s actions that were made for the greater good of his followers and the wellbeing of all. Some things people do is to practice by only having one meal a day, not eating meat on Friday, not eating after the sun goes down, or giving up something for these 40 days. Junior Hope Edwards (11) shares, “
Mckenzi Reiter.” Little but big sacrifices like these are what many give up to partake in the season. Similarly, junior
(11) shares, “ .” This practice not only creates a healthy habit but also takes part in lent. As is evident, everyone’s sacrifice, prayer, and fasting can be different, there is no specific requirement nor rule.All in all, the Lent season is a time in the Christian community where people’s sacrifices serve as a tie of reflection, penance, and renewal. This time to give up something or practice a healthy habit honors the 40 day fast Jeus had in the desert for his followers still to this day. Originally it was a time of preparation for baptism, and now it has evolved into a much larger tradition. As this sacred season is examined, it highlights a time of personal growth and deepening of one’s faith.