Creative Invention of a 9-Year-Old Entrepreneur

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Pauline Ngo, Photojournalist

Alina Morse formulated the idea for a lollipop made with healthy, clean teeth ingredients that was actually beneficial for one to eat since it cleaned teeth. Her goal was “to make a difference and help people and make lives easier for guardians, and mostly moms.”

Her brilliant idea originated when the teller at the bank offered her a sucker when she went with her dad. Since her dad told her that candy is horrible for her teeth due to the sugar, she was not able to eat one. This stuck to her so deeply that she was determined to create a lollipop that would be good for people’s health.
A lot of work and effort was put into creating the first Zollipop, the name of her invention, since her dad and she had to research to see what main clean teeth ingredients there were. Places they had to look to find their information were stores, dental offices, hygienists, and online. After many trials and errors, they finally got to the masterpiece they have today.

To test whether the creation was a great product, she had her picky sister Lola try it to see what she thought of it. For a picky person who claims that the sucker is good, Alina knew her product would be a success.

This small project became a business when her top priority was to get Zollipops sold. Her dad and her designed packaging and presented it to Whole Foods, and fortunately, they were fond of them. Whole Foods accepted her Zollipops after Alina submitted, regionally and nationally, a presentation she worked on with her dad with samples. Leaving such a great impression, her lollipops got approved by the Whole Foods Whole Body quality.

Alina believes that anyone can accomplish big things; just don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.”

Roshani Shah (11) is very impressed of a girl at such a young age to be able to make money and become rich from such a small idea. She admits that she does not have the time and dedication to invent something like the Zollipops because of school and her hectic life. “If I did come up with an idea, I would not even follow through because I would get bored and give up.” However, “learning about Alina has opened my eyes about how one can accomplish great things no matter how old he or she is.”